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Active Member
Jan 29, 2008
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hey all
just wondering if any of u guys have purchased any of the cheaper bikes off ebay.im just looking for something to putt around on and it wont be used a great deal(couple of days a month if im lucky)cant really justify spending to much as i have an r1 that rarely gets used also lol,anyway all help,suggestions,info would be greatly appreciated

thanks all

whoops sorry wrong section
mate i rekon 85% of the people on this site have ebay bikes but i wouldnt go near the realy poor quality ones even tho u are only using it ocationaly when u do use it i want it to start/go,

how much money have u got to spend i would look at

and some atomiks
not looking to spend more than 1k emailed east 50s about the 125le just waitin to hear back
you wont go wrong with a atomik proX, i can tell you that from experiance:D
Only prob i had, with a second hand one mind, was the forks failed in fairly short order but she was copping a hiding lol
also maybe lookin to set it u as a mini motard,any idea on where ppl race em and what clubs etc any leads would be great
yes im know it wrong section i didnt realise till i posted,ANY MODS MOVE THIS THREAD PLEASE
for under 1g mate dont get a 125 pitpro get a 140 at the least u can pick up a pitpro140xr of ebay for around 800 the 125 are so slow compared to the 140cc and the 140 xr is very good quality so is dhz 140 wich are around 600-850
More like 98% this site is china, 95% ebay. Tho pp140, pp140xr, dhz, mso you cant go wrong for the price. My DHZ is still going strong, not a problem with it. I am about to spend 400 on parts from DHZ on friday.

ASV leaver kit
12" 10" wheel kit including tyres (suit 15mm axle)
Fastace BS-66-RC
New rear brake setup.

Cant wait, will have strong un breakable leavers, a good shock and it will feel like a real mini with the 12" 10" set up.

With a smoothed and polished intake manifold, and remove the choke from the "30mm mikuni" and put a 105 main jet in it really opens them up. Mine pulls hard. Next on my list is to get the motovert style H-Bomb when DHZ gets them in stock.
hey mods wht happend to this thread i never started it and it says i did the dudes questions is gone?????
so im better off wit the 140 and not the 125,is there that much of a power difference
yeh mate a pretty big difference and for the same price as the 125 u can get the pitpro 140 or dhz 140 i have a dhz and they are great bikes
well i think my mind is made up,brian form mayland/east50s emailed me back and can do the 140 for $1045 120 of that is postage to newy,what u guys think
I would have to agree wit custom as far as the pro X goes as his second hand one used to be mine it was the ducar 138cc and the most most reliable and strongest of the china bikes iv seen for the price. the only down fall as he said (****** forks) and they are a little weighty, But togh as nails. another real ggod bike for the price is the BBR style Alloy Twin Spar Short, light, and with a 140 they Fu$^ing move.and through atomik they are pretty cheap.
cool thanks for all yr help guys
i ended up gettin a pit pro 140 for 720 off ebay,should have it in a few days wooot,only problem is im now addicted to ebay lol my credit card will cop a hidin

thanks agaion all
l0l yeh mate once you buy ya first thing of ebay u cant stop thats how i got a bike lol seen it and wanted it
lol and theres so many aftermarket parts available,i have no idea where to start lol

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