EDC review

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Ok, I'm going to give you sooky Skylar's perspective and I know I'm probably going to piss plenty of people off. Whether it's a female thing, or a Mum think or whatever, I'm not sure. But this is how I feel.

I came back on MR half way through this.... and the whole thing made me a little uncomfortable to be honest. I understand about the greatest thread on earth and there was definitely a point to be made, but this was full on.

I have cringe moments from my childhood, moments that I look back on and still feel that rush of embarassment.... and I thank f*ck that it's only me that remembers, that no-one else is still laughing at my expense. I can only imagine how soul destroying it would have been for me for my "moments" to be this public. Only the most heartless person could feel no sympathy whatsoever for motovert24.

I give this kid full credit for copping it and having a laugh, even though it must have hurt like hell. Sure he's pissed, but in general he copped it. But the behaviour by some members after the joke....... couldn't the joke be enough? Did it have to degenerate into personal attacks?

Some of the utter crap that has been posted in this thread rivals some of the posts from the world's greatest thread that started all this in the first place. Ironic really.

It's laughable the amount of members, who are not parents, that are coming out of the woodwork to question this kids mum.... and question her parenting. Quite frankly, how the f*ck dare you?? We have no idea what type of parent she is, what type of kid she has raised. Who the hell do you think you are to question her parenting? Is her kid naive? Yep. Is he not so great at listening to people? Yep. Does he asked the same questions over and over and not listen to the answers? Yep. But none of that makes her a bad mother. Did she come out swinging when her kid was hurt? You're damn right she did, as would any decent parent.

I started on this forum from a recommendation from I_THUMP for my kid. Initially I had a look around and searched through some threads to get a feel for the place and the members. In general, I liked what I saw and was happy for my kid to become involved. Eventually, so did I.

But I know jack **** about bikes. You could tell me anything and I'd believe it, and my kid knows about the same.... but we're both learning. Having had a look around here, I'd trust that what my kid was told would be correct.... just like the kid's mum did. So if she is the bad mum a lot of you think she is, then so am I.

Of all the crap posted, this gets me the most.
Thats what I don't get about people saying that they get bullied on the internet, just don't sign in!!! myspace, msn, forums.. you need to sign in to get bullied! well don't ..

Are you f*cking serious? So any victim should modify their behaviour? Getting bullied on facebook.... don't use it. Getting harassed on a site, don't use it. Yep, they should miss out because of other people.

I feel really sorry for the kid. I really do, I think he's copped more than enough. But some other **** posted on here just pisses me off.:mad:
I think every one that was involved in this thread should take the time to have read what skylar has said, yess i was also involved in some of this stiring and yess I do feel bad that this has been taking this far, at the cost of MV24's feelings just so we could get a laugh out of it, correct me if im wrong be we all know that this was taken way to far!!!
just because he isnt as ''switched on'' as some of use didn't mean we should have take advantage of him. and yess he has the write like every one else to be on this site as skylar stated, thats why i think this should be an apology thread to make MV24 feel as welcome as all of use do on this forum, so can we all be man enough to say sorry to MV24 for what we have done to him, because at the end of the day no matter who it is this shouldnt have been takin this fare, soo MV24 sorry for the things i may have said that made you feel bad. and YESS im a bit of a softy deep down!!
I hope he dosent leave, coz he is a good little rider & i'm sure with practice he could woop coolie!!

i will leave this for the day then deletion will happen
yess thats why every one should apologize!! dont delete it hillz for every one involved please apologize below
I hope he dosent leave, coz he is a good little rider & i'm sure with practice he could woop coolie!!

i will leave this for the day then deletion will happen

I think your better off deleting all the threads regarding this. The review, inital thread and there was another one I think as well.
It's laughable the amount of members, who are not parents, that are coming out of the woodwork to question this kids mum.... and question her parenting. Quite frankly, how the f*ck dare you?? We have no idea what type of parent she is, what type of kid she has raised. Who the hell do you think you are to question her parenting?


i'm here to stand up for vert and his perants......

as much as i am to blame for my part in the greatest prank in miniriders history we have to remember this.

harry is a good kid i have always spoken highly of him, he's a bit gullible but a good kid and not a bad little rider that loves our sport and is a valuable member on this site he is keen as mustard
his parents are really good people and support there son and take him riding and look after his bike.
now the biggest issue in our industry is kids goin out buying cheap ass pitbikes and are stuck riding them around the streets because there parents wont take them anywhere to ride safely.

so we will move these threads to private forums and i suggest the people involved make some effort to apolagize to mv 24 as i will speek to him about this next time i see him
Been away for a few days, with my own issues to take care of, but have returned to what appears to be a rather big $hitstorm over the EDC saga....
Yes, it went too far... i'm as guilty as anyone else, and i doubt there is any regularly visiting member on this forum, who hasnt either had a part in, or taken a shot at MV24 themselves, or at least found great mirth in The Greatest Thread on Earth. I believe the only exception would be Milfboy... Mods and members alike are just as guilty...
I think it might have been me that started the EDC chip thing to begin with, in suggesting MV24 get one. I might have also encouraged MRBRnz in sending him one... Then i let it go, as the writing was on the wall... this was going to go too far.. The EDC how to i pretty much left alone, and wasnt privy to the whole EDC review saga... that was done and dusted by the time i got back home again...
So for my part in the EDC "practical joke" (and life lesson) yeah, i'll be PM'ing my apology to MV24 direct. To some extent i agree with Mum MV24.. I'm not a dad yet, but if it was my kid, damn straight i'd come out swinging the way she has. I do also believe that she should have taken a bit more interest in her kids activities on here, and perhaps she should be requested to take a good long hard look at The Greatest Thread on Earth, then sit down and have a good long chat with young Harry... and perhaps in the future, when he does post up questions, both Mum, Dad and UncleMV24 take a more active part in Harry's rise through the ranks on both MR, and as a rider in the minibike community. Perhaps a word with his teachers might be of some assistance as well, but that's for the parents to sort out, not a mod on here...

So yeah, there is a pang of guilt felt when i read through the threads involved, and when i think of how MV24 must feel. In honesty, i can relate with him. Thump*140 might see a few similarities between MV24, and may have been in his shoes a few times, before he became the Tech God that Coolee has allowed him to become... *giggle*.... Lets face it, we've all been in MV24's shoes at some stage in life, and yes, we've hopefully become smarter, wiser, or "older" people for the experience... but we've probably also felt pretty damn small at the time, and wanting that big **** off hole to appear in the ground, and swallow us up.

One thing i will stand by however... I may have been one of MV24's biggest critics in The Greatest Thread on Earth, but i've also shown him a hell of a lot of patience, in going back to help him time and time again...
He alone is responsible for that particular thread going as far as it did... I make no apologies for the things i have said in there about him, and to him... as far as i can recall, not once did a personal insult towards him leave my keyboard... ripped into him plenty of times, but i believe it was necessary...
Lets hope Harry stays with MR, and starts to pay a little bit more attention to the usefulness of the Forum. I came on here initially to learn, and now i'm here to help... being responsible for, or part of a forum that tortures young kids, is not something to be proud of..
Not sure what you guys think, but I suggest that as an act of good will to Harry, and a gesture of a truly clean start on MR, that all his -reps be removed so he can start over.

I also think that there may be a few members who are likely to give him a hard time and that an eye is kept on that. I'd like to think that any of Harry's future posts can be responded to on their merits, whether that be good or bad, without reference to this whole saga.
Been away for a few days, with my own issues to take care of, but have returned to what appears to be a rather big $hitstorm over the EDC saga....
Yes, it went too far... i'm as guilty as anyone else, and i doubt there is any regularly visiting member on this forum, who hasnt either had a part in, or taken a shot at MV24 themselves, or at least found great mirth in The Greatest Thread on Earth. I believe the only exception would be Milfboy... Mods and members alike are just as guilty...
I think it might have been me that started the EDC chip thing to begin with, in suggesting MV24 get one. I might have also encouraged MRBRnz in sending him one... Then i let it go, as the writing was on the wall... this was going to go too far.. The EDC how to i pretty much left alone, and wasnt privy to the whole EDC review saga... that was done and dusted by the time i got back home again...
So for my part in the EDC "practical joke" (and life lesson) yeah, i'll be PM'ing my apology to MV24 direct. To some extent i agree with Mum MV24.. I'm not a dad yet, but if it was my kid, damn straight i'd come out swinging the way she has. I do also believe that she should have taken a bit more interest in her kids activities on here, and perhaps she should be requested to take a good long hard look at The Greatest Thread on Earth, then sit down and have a good long chat with young Harry... and perhaps in the future, when he does post up questions, both Mum, Dad and UncleMV24 take a more active part in Harry's rise through the ranks on both MR, and as a rider in the minibike community. Perhaps a word with his teachers might be of some assistance as well, but that's for the parents to sort out, not a mod on here...

So yeah, there is a pang of guilt felt when i read through the threads involved, and when i think of how MV24 must feel. In honesty, i can relate with him. Thump*140 might see a few similarities between MV24, and may have been in his shoes a few times, before he became the Tech God that Coolee has allowed him to become... *giggle*.... Lets face it, we've all been in MV24's shoes at some stage in life, and yes, we've hopefully become smarter, wiser, or "older" people for the experience... but we've probably also felt pretty damn small at the time, and wanting that big **** off hole to appear in the ground, and swallow us up.

One thing i will stand by however... I may have been one of MV24's biggest critics in The Greatest Thread on Earth, but i've also shown him a hell of a lot of patience, in going back to help him time and time again...
He alone is responsible for that particular thread going as far as it did... I make no apologies for the things i have said in there about him, and to him... as far as i can recall, not once did a personal insult towards him leave my keyboard... ripped into him plenty of times, but i believe it was necessary...
Lets hope Harry stays with MR, and starts to pay a little bit more attention to the usefulness of the Forum. I came on here initially to learn, and now i'm here to help... being responsible for, or part of a forum that tortures young kids, is not something to be proud of..

I have read this a few times and it pisses me right off.

If I hadn't of put a stop to it, you would have gladly kept the whole thread going and yet it is Harry's fault for continuing it? He was blindly following you. A 31 year old who was leading a 14 year old kid down the garden path for a laugh.

Thump140, Mrbrnz & Milfboy were the 3 people that continued this joke on and on and on. There were numerous times you were bragging about it in chatbox. I said a few times I didn't think it was cool. As a mod, YOU should have shown a bit more responsiblity and ended before it got out of hand instead of encouraging it. Isn't that part of a mods responsibility?

Just seems now the **** has hit the fan that you jump on the morale high ground when I never seen you once try and put an end to it. You encouraged other members the whole way through. I did make a couple of posts in there and yes he did frustrate me as well but I didn't take a small joke and take it way too far and had nothing to do with the EDC saga. You are forgetting the point that YOU are the adult, not him. Everyone is naive at 14.

I don't care if I get banned for saying this but someone had to point out that all this could have been prevented from the start. Those 3 should be aplogising the most out of anyone and taking a good hard look a themselves. If You Thump140 had been in that position before in your life then why didn't you take a second to think how the kid felt and stopped it?

Rant over. Good day.
I think we can all agree it went too far, maybe all this could be deleted? what was frustrating became funny then became sad very quickly.
the kid is keen on minibikes like the rest of us so I wouldn't wanna see him throw it all in because he was made fun of by the rest of the minibike crew, I just hope he can laugh about it and learn from it, and hopefully start to think for himself a bit.
I have read this a few times and it pisses me right off.

If I hadn't of put a stop to it, you would have gladly kept the whole thread going and yet it is Harry's fault for continuing it? He was blindly following you. A 31 year old who was leading a 14 year old kid down the garden path for a laugh.

Thump140, Mrbrnz & Milfboy were the 3 people that continued this joke on and on and on. There were numerous times you were bragging about it in chatbox. I said a few times I didn't think it was cool. As a mod, YOU should have shown a bit more responsiblity and ended before it got out of hand instead of encouraging it. Isn't that part of a mods responsibility?

Just seems now the **** has hit the fan that you jump on the morale high ground when I never seen you once try and put an end to it. You encouraged other members the whole way through. I did make a couple of posts in there and yes he did frustrate me as well but I didn't take a small joke and take it way too far and had nothing to do with the EDC saga. You are forgetting the point that YOU are the adult, not him. Everyone is naive at 14.

I don't care if I get banned for saying this but someone had to point out that all this could have been prevented from the start. Those 3 should be aplogising the most out of anyone and taking a good hard look a themselves. If You Thump140 had been in that position before in your life then why didn't you take a second to think how the kid felt and stopped it?

Rant over. Good day.

Fair call BarryMan, you've made a few good points there....


As for "Moral Highground", if you replace those words with "Regretful Hindsight" you may be a little closer to the mark... I haven't chosen the moral highground. I've admitted my part in a joke that went too far, and purely stated that EVERYONE who took part is as guilty as anyone else, INCLUDING myself.. Mods included, and take a look around, i wasnt the only Mod involved, and Mods of far superiority to me, allowed and encouraged the threads in question. I'm not naming them, but i suggest you go back through the Greatest Thread on Earth, the EDC how to, and check how many users posting in there, have "Mod" as a title that dont come under the username Thump*140... While yes, i have involved myself as much as anyone in regards to stirring the pot, i've also offered Harry as much, if not more help, support and information in regards to his bike, and probably had the assistance ignored more than anyone, yet still showed enough patience to go back time and again to help... a fact that seems to be ignored...
No, this doesnt take me out of the firing line, it's not intended to. It does however, make a point in reference to the thread continuing in the theme that it did, as being partially Harry's responsibility. He was given vastly helpful advise from MANY members, and chose to ignore it all. Had he taken note, the thread wouldn't have become what it did...
Not once in my initial reply to this thread, did i absolve myself of any blame, or claim to have had no part in it. Pretty sure it admitted clearly that initially i set the whole EDC ball rolling... And also stated quite adamantly that i would be offering an apology to Harry for my part in it.

As for being in the same position Harry has been in, who hasnt?? Some will disagree i'm certain of it, but a bit of "character building" *can* be a good thing. I've been through plenty of stuff like Harry has been subjected to, as i'm sure many members on here have been, and you know what? Each time was a learning process, and means to "grow" as an individual, and it didnt do me any harm. Personal experience, yes, but everyone needs a life lesson once in awhile. I've no doubt Barryman, at some stage in your life, a similar lesson has been learnt...
Yes, as a mod, a little more active participation in bringing this to end may have been the more responsible option, but i will not be singled out as the "sole conspirator", nor the sole mod for allowing it to continue. As i've said, go through the thread, plenty of other mods in there taking part, making comments, encouraging the situation, and also taking the piss out of Harry.... Not just myself, MrBrnz and Milfboy...

As for banning you for your comments... Dont think so mate... that serves no purpose whatsoever, and is as much an abuse of "mod" privilege, as letting the Greatest Thread on Earth/EDC saga roll on was... It's an active forum... Perpendicular or adverse conversation is expected and encouraged, when done properly. The fact Harry's threads went the way they did, is proof of that....

When i said "there was a lesson to be learnt" in my initial reply to this thread, i wasnt referring to the fact it was solely Harry that the lesson was intended for... ie: you can probably expect a little more responsibility in Moderation of this site from a few of us senior controlling members in the future...
Dont mistake my initial reply, or this one, as an attempt to absolve myself from blame. It's called taking it on the chin where it's due, and admitting or claiming responsibility for my participation... perhaps read my replies again, not once does it say in there "None of this was my fault", "I'm not responsible" or "I had no part in it"..


& here is your avatar back Thump
I think at the end of the day there was a bit of a snowball effect.... it was getting out of hand and no-one quite knew how to stop it, or when to stop it. Hey I'm as guilty as anyone, I watched it happen, didn't agree with it, but said absolutely nothing.

Lessons all round but I think the main one is kids are kids. Simple. They are adults, but with less life experience, and we as adults should be mindful of that, not exploit it.

I sincerely hope this changes nothing on here permanently and that no (potentially gay :p) relationships are damaged.

I've got to add..... these posts have shown that we've got some pretty articulate, passsionate, insightful people on here.... and that can only be a good thing. :)

And has anyone actually heard anything from Harry?
Fair call BarryMan, you've made a few good points there....


As for "Moral Highground", if you replace those words with "Regretful Hindsight" you may be a little closer to the mark... I haven't chosen the moral highground. I've admitted my part in a joke that went too far, and purely stated that EVERYONE who took part is as guilty as anyone else, INCLUDING myself.. Mods included, and take a look around, i wasnt the only Mod involved, and Mods of far superiority to me, allowed and encouraged the threads in question. I'm not naming them, but i suggest you go back through the Greatest Thread on Earth, the EDC how to, and check how many users posting in there, have "Mod" as a title that dont come under the username Thump*140... While yes, i have involved myself as much as anyone in regards to stirring the pot, i've also offered Harry as much, if not more help, support and information in regards to his bike, and probably had the assistance ignored more than anyone, yet still showed enough patience to go back time and again to help... a fact that seems to be ignored...
No, this doesnt take me out of the firing line, it's not intended to. It does however, make a point in reference to the thread continuing in the theme that it did, as being partially Harry's responsibility. He was given vastly helpful advise from MANY members, and chose to ignore it all. Had he taken note, the thread wouldn't have become what it did...
Not once in my initial reply to this thread, did i absolve myself of any blame, or claim to have had no part in it. Pretty sure it admitted clearly that initially i set the whole EDC ball rolling... And also stated quite adamantly that i would be offering an apology to Harry for my part in it.

As for being in the same position Harry has been in, who hasnt?? Some will disagree i'm certain of it, but a bit of "character building" *can* be a good thing. I've been through plenty of stuff like Harry has been subjected to, as i'm sure many members on here have been, and you know what? Each time was a learning process, and means to "grow" as an individual, and it didnt do me any harm. Personal experience, yes, but everyone needs a life lesson once in awhile. I've no doubt Barryman, at some stage in your life, a similar lesson has been learnt...
Yes, as a mod, a little more active participation in bringing this to end may have been the more responsible option, but i will not be singled out as the "sole conspirator", nor the sole mod for allowing it to continue. As i've said, go through the thread, plenty of other mods in there taking part, making comments, encouraging the situation, and also taking the piss out of Harry.... Not just myself, MrBrnz and Milfboy...

As for banning you for your comments... Dont think so mate... that serves no purpose whatsoever, and is as much an abuse of "mod" privilege, as letting the Greatest Thread on Earth/EDC saga roll on was... It's an active forum... Perpendicular or adverse conversation is expected and encouraged, when done properly. The fact Harry's threads went the way they did, is proof of that....

When i said "there was a lesson to be learnt" in my initial reply to this thread, i wasnt referring to the fact it was solely Harry that the lesson was intended for... ie: you can probably expect a little more responsibility in Moderation of this site from a few of us senior controlling members in the future...
Dont mistake my initial reply, or this one, as an attempt to absolve myself from blame. It's called taking it on the chin where it's due, and admitting or claiming responsibility for my participation... perhaps read my replies again, not once does it say in there "None of this was my fault", "I'm not responsible" or "I had no part in it"..


I think we all have laearnt a lesson. I shouldn't have singled people out but they were just the people I noticed making a bulk of the comments. I know your not a mod as such but Flux Capicator Tuner is close enough and you are respected as someone of authority on the site. ;)

Let's all make sure in the future that we jump on these things before they get out of hand. A fair chunk of users are kids and it's everyones duty to look out for them. That's what drew me to this site in the first place. The fact that everyone was friendly and more than willing to help out with any problems bike or non bike related. :)

Hope there was no offense taken or anyone thinking I'm the fun police for saying something. I have been in similar situations in my life and that was the main reason I said something as it didn't make me feel that great at the time by people who i though were my friends.

Anyway I will head down to Wonthaggi next time if I can as I would like to meet Harry and have a fang around the track with him. Seems pretty good on a bike despite some of his technical down falls. :p
^^^nah you are right mate, i am a mod... also part of the reason i made the two above posts on this particular issue... standing up to be counted, as it were...
I certainly took no offence to what you have said, and given that what you've posted was mostly directed at me, i doubt anyone else should take offence to it either... that's the thing... arguments posted in the fashion you have, as opposed to resorting to personal insults or abuse, are the way to sort things out and make a point.. points made based on fact, rather than emotion are generally more conducive to settling an issue... which i believe has been done, and yes, lessons learnt have not just been the harsh one learnt by Harry...
i've gotta be quick but i'm gunna be devils advocate a bit

this whole thing was piss funny and a good thing fo rminiriders as a comunity

i haven't spoken to harry as yet but i will soon

there was no stoppin this without anyone looking stupid in someones eyes but it was pretty obvious from ealry in the epic thread that it was ******** and if that wasn't picked up on then tuff *****'s

vote 1 for mv24 MR legend

i'll elaboraTE MORE
ok it's all my fault :(. I've never abused him though and I have tried to offer him assistance but come on now who doesn't get frustrated by his antics sometimes? It was a little "get back" for all the stupid questions that went a bit too far, for a public forum anyway.

I'm sorry his feelings got hurt but that wasn't my intention. It was funny.. at the time.
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