Electric start not working

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
Albion Park, NSW
Hey Guys,

I've been hearing a fair few stories about people buying an Atomik Motox and possible other models and when they get it the electric start doesn't work.

Now this seems to be really common and it's the same story for me so i was just wondering how many of you are having this same prob and does anyone know of a way to fix this or something they've done to get it to work.


Oh i forgot to mention that i've taken the complete plastics kit of my bike and followed all the wiring and i can't fault anything on the system as far as connection an circuits go.

Maybe there's a faulty part i need to replace but you would have to wonder why all the bikes seem to be released like this.
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Its happened to both my cousins bikes, a ducar 200 and a loncin 150 and all it was on both was it needed a new regulator and battery.
yeh must be something just not putting the power back into the battery... these are the loverly problems you get with an atomic tho there good fun =D =)
Yea lol Atomik have a bit of a rep although i must say as a bike it's self the electric start aside it's be mechanically fantastic.

this is just annoying though because i am considering removing it to save weight but if i can get it to work i'll keep it on.

Sometimes i just can't be bothered to kick it over lol.
I had the same prob with both my bikes so I just took the batterty off hope this helps LOL
My first bike [complete piece of ****] .. we were riding and it started smoking from the back.. The battery burnt all my wires out somehow, needed to get new rewiring and CDI.. sucked, cost me 135.
Rip that POS out....one more headache less..hahahaha
I have a orion 125 pro siries (Atomik Motox) and does your kill switch work?
I had the problem where the kill switch and the electric start douseent work. All it was that the wire had come undone from the battery.
Oh and i charged my battery as soon as i got the bike because mine didn't work either. After the charge it was all sweet. Hope u find out what is wrong with it ;)
cheers Craig#21
Oh i forgot to mention that i've taken the complete plastics kit of my bike and followed all the wiring and i can't fault anything on the system as far as connection an circuits go.

You need to chase the wires all the way to china this is the source of the problem.

Piss the battery and starter off and kick it over you lazy sod then you can bend your chineese kick starter.
probly cos the battery is flat.

Are you holding the front brake on when you start it?

Get a multimeter on your battery and check that it's fully charged.
I agree with the others, save weight and ditch the starter and battery. Kick it over lazy! :D
I have been kicking it over for now and it's not REALLY for me anyway my sister sometimes has a go on it and she only weighs like 45kgs (stick figure that she is) and she has a lot of trouble kicking it so i thought it would be good to get it working otherwise every times she stalls or turns it off i have to jog over to her and kick it for her (annoying lol).

But yea i might get rid of it.
LOL i know i thinks it's the easiest thing to kick but some how my sister makes it look to be a massive effort infact she can actually stand on it and not have it go down.

The compression is fairly decent for the size of the bikes thought i must admit.

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