engine, petrol?

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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what will happen if petrol has been put through the complte motor??
in were the oil goes everywhere?
ahaha well yes i got the engine like this but thats why they were getting rid of itt.
is it worthless? is there anything that can be done?
drain itt, refill with oil, see if it starts! make sure video camera is running incase of self destruction! :D
depends how long it been there.. like with seals and stuff

but i have heard of some people pouring petrol into engines to clean em out..

i remember cactus jack saying something bout it?
only like a few days its been there well so they say
and im kinda just worried whats gonna happen if i try start it?
As long as the engine hasn't been started with petrol in the sump it'll be OK ... Just drain it , refill it with oil then start it ... No probs ... I used to flush XR75's out to remove clutch debris etc at every oil change without the slightest problem ...
may pay to pull the clutch cover off, and see if there is any rust or corrosion... Petrol is a solvent, and will clean all traces of lubricant from the engine, if enough fuel was poured through it....
re-oil the engine, drain then re-oil if need be, then try starting it....

Dont do this with diesels though kids, you may end up putting Dad's Hilux head through the roof of the shed...
cactus jack is 100% correct, seals will be fine as they are rated to take petroleum products, provided the engine has not been run it will be fine, as recommended drain the engine, i would remove the oil dipstick whilst doing this to get some airflow through the crankcase , when the drain plug is out, poor some oil down the filler tube until you see clean oil come out, then fill it,

you need to be sure you have got the majority of the old petrol out or it will break down the new oil and you will be looking at a big end failure very quickly.

if you get the thing running you should dump the oil after a few heat cycles and replace.
nah it will do no harm if it hasnt been run... petrol will evaporate and leave any traces of oil behind providing it hasnt been flushed with fuel a few times..

if your REALLY sus on it, just drain the fuel out of it and refresh with oil run it for 5 minutes and drop and replace the oil...
no worries well ill let it air through it first and then do that
just to be sure most of the petrol is gone
We blew up a mates lei because we were over it, we pured coke into the crankcase and just red lined riding it for a good 30 minutes it ended with the thing smoking extremely bad shooting flames, red hot pipe just stuffed the whole engine ill try find some photos if i can.
We blew up a mates lei because we were over it, we pured coke into the crankcase and just red lined riding it for a good 30 minutes it ended with the thing smoking extremely bad shooting flames, red hot pipe just stuffed the whole engine ill try find some photos if i can.

That doesn't seem like the brightest of ideas now. I hope you were trying to ruin it, intentionally.
haha it sounds like he was, id love to see that
yeah it reved that hard it blew **** up and oil was pissing out and massive smoke cloud and all sorts was really funny...ill track em down my mate might have the pics, and yeah we was trying to blow it up...
awesome :]
well i suppose the saying goes "if your gonna do it, do it properly"

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