enging backfiring?

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Active Member
Jun 28, 2006
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hey guys was riding my moto on the weekend when all of a sudden it started making a popping noise kinda like it was backfiring nopw it wont start anyone know what it might be? its an atomik arsenal 110cc
has it happend before i think it might have something to do wit it not sparking what is it thats wrong wit it?
it sounds like it ran out of petrol. so put the tap on reserve
it has a pic of what looks like a full tank up top the to the left a little dot the a half tank at the bottom i think i was riding this think for hours and it still has half a tank
check the two 10mm bolts on your header pipe, could be loose, or the ring gasket could be flogged out, $3 replacement if thats the issue.
it was backfiring when i backed of the day before all this happened yes
eii man call me i no what it is i am the seller. i think i no what it is
its da fuel tap i think cause when i first got it the on fuel dident work i had to leave it on the reserve. and thats how it got fuel to the carby.
eii man call me i no what it is i am the seller. i think i no what it is

mate can ya give me are call u have my number the house one you called before u picked it up. thanks

now I'm confused...who really sold him the bike? Are you two brothers or something?

Also, I wonder which AGB promoting new member is 'lusive' masquerading as...his poor grammar and spelling will give him away.
now I'm confused...who really sold him the bike? Are you two brothers or something?

Also, I wonder which AGB promoting new member is 'lusive' masquerading as...his poor grammar and spelling will give him away.

Haha, yeah.. Keep an eye on it mods!
Great seller thats for sure... "The fuel on doesn't work but i won't tell my own brother"... I think that should be covered under parts warranty he obviously knew it was broken before he sold it.
wtf going on? thats how i got the bike brand new and atomik said that u have to leave it on reserve and thats how it will run. when he picked it up i forgot to tell him but im sending him one out anyway. so wtf
its ok guys they are both brothers it was pj's bro's bike but but pj sold it for him to me its all good no confusion turns out the prob was just loose wiring (which can happen) and the fuel tap is fine
I was going to suggest valve clearances may be tight on the outlet side,
but you sorted it well done!

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