Might aswell start a thread on peoples favourite colours or shampoos or something stupid like that.The amount of times mods and others jump on people for double posts and asking questions(often very valid questions) which may have already been asked(although perhaps without satisfactory answers,which sometimes prompts repeat threads) because it clutters up the site ,and then to be in support of such a pointless thread just amazes me.Rant over!
well maybe if people did bitch about everything that they dont like/have the site wouldnt be so cluttered up. its people like you who go off topic making it messy. people come on here for fun, to make more friends to go riding with, to learn and to get help when needed.
Thats fair enough but the point I'm making is that if someone does need help,and can't get the help they want from old threads so they ask the question in a new thread,they get shot down for not doing a search(even if they already have),or if you want to sell some thing and you dont use the "layout" you are the anti-christ,even though you might take up about 3rows of text versus about 30 or more.
Sometimes fun can be disagreeing with other people,deleting posts because someone disagrees is crap.I thought just china bikes were inconsistent but maybe its the riders/moderators also.
And for the sake of the minions:
Iced coffee and stuffed crust meatlovers pizza