this is beyond a joke now. every second reply is a fake account with more useless explicit **** we dont want here.
sik-pj not that there is anything wrong with the image in any other circumstance but dont forget your one of the members which complained about the bot posts on this site and how it wasnt savoury for the younger kids, yet you contridict yourself with your avatar (being a useless and unsavoury image for the little kids) not that i particularly care by what is and what isnt cencered on the site but you cant have double standards as its not reasonable.
geezus18 good to hear you posted up for the next 50 of the month man, should be a good one with any luck. taking into consideration that this pole has recieved over 100 votes (good work gents but keep em coming) its only an example of whats to come.
Cheers, Tony.