feb 07 pole submissions.

Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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is this a G up or is this realy rkfinch..the super tuner from the states..i no thats his bike but i coulda posted that...........check my new ride

yeah, it's me...................... and the bike you posted is doug's.. a retard from FL. ARE YOU HIM? if so, that $2000 dyno challenge/ drag race is open to that bike/motor any day.. if not sorry
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yeah, it's me...................... and the bike you posted is doug's.. a retard from FL. ARE YOU HIM? if so, that $2000 dyno challenge/ drag race is open to that bike/motor any day.. if not sorry
G`DAY MATE, i`m not Dougy thats not my bike . i was just messin. now i believe you are you i think....why dont you start a thread tellin us about one of your latest biulds..i think this forum would be amazed at some the **** you been doing with china engines. that is if you realy are you,,,,,,,cheers cobber
G`DAY MATE, i`m not Dougy thats not my bike . i was just messin. now i believe you are you i think....why dont you start a thread tellin us about one of your latest biulds..i think this forum would be amazed at some the **** you been doing with china engines. that is if you realy are you,,,,,,,cheers cobber

who are you two queers bashing my bro??? He's a great guy! Rk I know you have been talking shiot about everyone from Florida. You have also gotten kicked off about every other mini bike forum. Keep talking your smack and see what happens.....:rolleyes:
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hay mate, i will put things as plain and simply as i can. either give us evidence that its your ride (and i dont just mean a picture of the bike, i mean hard evidence EG. take a pic of the bike with you standing next to it doing something unique that other people wouldnt normally do, but keep it at a PG level.) something so we can identify that its actually your's and you didnt just photoshop it in. and more importantly dont just show up and spread your abuse to anyone on this forum, regardless of how they have effected you in pervious situations, this is an Australian forum and i dont know what goes on over in the U.S but here we dont tolerate insults to anyone. either stay in line, abide by the rules of the forum or excuse yourself permanently.

Cheers, Tony.
i hope for your sake its your bike and you have proof of this as insulting lads such as rkfinch23 and 24Seven whom are respected members of this community isnt the brightest of all idea's. with regards to the PG statment this was in context with the IMAGE for verification that the bike is your's. this means dont show material in this image which could be classed as offensive or rude as the current pole stats that their are regular users which fall into the 11 - 16 age bracket and their "innocent" eyes dont need to witness such material. (although im quite sure their not innocent at all hahaha)

basically dont insult people here, and if your going to make accusations, back that up with hard, CLEAR evidence. i do advise that you read this thread here as i think it would aid you to become a better forum member.


Cheers, Tony.
what did i miss here who stole whos bike... i posted pics of doug sullivans bike but not to make ppl realy think it was mine and i said that....whats your problem HATER
holy crap.............. haters follow me everywhere........ someone ban this idiot rkhater32
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