Few pics from this weekends ride!

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WC ST Killa
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Mundaring, WA
Hey guys thought i would post up some pics of the boys Practicing for a demo we doing next weekend, i wasnt there as i was franticly trying to fix my blown fork seal :(


Coopa the 50 boy



should have some better pics next week when i get out there for a session!!!
see hillz, if you'd done your back tyre earlier, you would have more time for the fork seal... :)
dont get me started, i saw these picks this morning & was like arrrrgh i want to ride, properly a good thing tho, my back needs a few more days.... getting old n stuff you know lol
know the feeling only too well my friend. but then minibikes make awesome coffee tables. :D
nah that was the first jump session on that new downie so it was only 50foot, we will push it back on the weekend, the landing might be a little small for 75 tho. will proberly be 65
BITCH!! :)

Damn that's an awesome setup. I hope to get something like that going one day.

Looks like a tonne of fun.

You on fmxaus Hillz?
news just in! they are guna put the 4x4 mud run right next to the set up..... hope i dont get coated in mud lol
good pics hillz thanks man ,old <<<<<< bahhabhehebah your only as old as the woman ya feel :)
nice ... landing could use a bit of safety deck if ya got the dirt though .... or don't you W.A punks roll that way :D
yer i know i want it bigger, but 4x4 guys know nothing about FMX. hopefully we get the loader this weekend & build it up a bit, if not we will stay at 50 - 60 foot

in WA we usally just land to flat COz were harrrrd lol
Looks pretty good mate!!! GoodLuck with the Demo ;)

Should be Sik with Mud going everywhere onto the FMX Boys haha
Hey guys thought i would post up some pics of the boys Practicing for a demo we doing next weekend, i wasnt there as i was franticly trying to fix my blown fork seal :(

should have some better pics next week when i get out there for a session!!!

Frantically tryin to fix blown fork seals, more like

drink drink drink, hmmmm must fix fork seal, drink drink drunk, hmmmm willl do it tomoro!

yep i was there riding, miss's got some video footage. but i'm guna get her do do some stills this weekend with the crowd n what not
Ok. Should get the miss's to put up the vids:). Is it a comp going on or is it just a bunch of WA boys kickin back and riding?

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