Legend Spanner Spinner
Hey I have a yx160 with a oko 26mm im using 38 pilot and 104 main mixture screw about 1 1/4 out. needle clip on 2nd to top. ive had it on middle and second to bottom and bottom, works ok on 2nd to bottom and middle but if i slowly wind the throttle on at about 1/2 maybe little bit over it splutters abit then its fine all the way to redline. when i snap the throttle on most times its ok.
once i tryed all clips on bottom i thort id try one about middle, was smooth power all the way to redline.
it only once spluttered. is it strange that it runs best on second to top clip? isnt that leaner? im worred its running too hot, but the strange thing is it doesnt backfire and the exhuast doesnt glow.
im going to do plug chops tommorow as i only just got a new plug just then.
you should have the clip second from bottom notch or maybe even bottom..
does the engine still run when you screw the mixture all the way in?
little trick is to hold the idle up a little (try keep it still) and wind the mixture screw till the rev sounds clean, in some cases you may need to clean the plug first or take the bike for a good thrash...
also free revving your engine to test the tune isnt going to give you results, you need the engine under load and if its still not playing the game replace the spark plug..
wire brush is the best to clean plugs
for a gpx 125 should be 96 main jet and about 32/34 pilot, sounds like you got the needle under control..
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