For Those about to Rock... buying OKO Flatslides..

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Hey krazed, remember I have a spare 36/100 for the 26mm, your welcome to give them a go, I'm running them for my 160 and they seem to be ok so far. So save the money and use these as a starting point and go from there.

Wicked sick! Thanks man :D

Will be in a month or so sadly, but definitely looking forward to actually giving the little beast a proper thrashing... The wait is killing me!
Hey Krazed, the reason i prefer the JJH needle, is a: they work better than any other needle i've tried with the OKO's, and b: they appear to have a more constant taper to them, as opposed to the "K" series needles, which seem to have a more sever taper, which as far as i can tell, causes issues when the throttle is in transition between 1/3d and full throttle... ie: going between the needle and main jet... they seem to blubber a little, which is hard to tune out moving the e-clip, whereas the JJH needle seems a little more "smooth" in it's transition between needle and main jet throttle settings...

OKO australia has the curved cable cap listed for $35, part number is #3050... All the caps i've used with the straight cable cap have proved to be "sticky"...
Thanks Thump!

I'll pull the needle out when I'm back in Melbs and see what type it is... Liking the sounds of the JJH as tuning can drive me a little batty ;)

I'm gonna chance it with the cap for the moment as I'm a cheap bastard :lol:

Hopefully a nicely lubed braided cable proves to be an alternate solution!
i recently bought a 26mm flat side OKO carb for my Pitpro 140XR running the YX 140cc engine.

I have had ALOT of trouble trying to actually fit it as it doesnt use the standard flange.

What do you guys think would be the best way to get around this issue? I bought a manifold adapter (which DHZ on ebay forgot to send me in my 'kit) but its too big for my manifold, i think its 48mm from hole to hole. Can anyone recommend the right part that i need or is there a moded manifold i can purchase to solve this issue?
email dhz and get the right one sent out, it'll fit perfectly and he shouldn't charge you for it....
i recently bought a 26mm flat side OKO carb for my Pitpro 140XR running the YX 140cc engine.

I have had ALOT of trouble trying to actually fit it as it doesnt use the standard flange.

What do you guys think would be the best way to get around this issue? I bought a manifold adapter (which DHZ on ebay forgot to send me in my 'kit) but its too big for my manifold, i think its 48mm from hole to hole. Can anyone recommend the right part that i need or is there a moded manifold i can purchase to solve this issue?

same thing happend to me with a oko flatside 26mm.
call/email dhz and tell them they sent the wrong part and they should sent you another one for free
Ok thanks guys, ive called them now and they are sending the 'correct' one out. However it wont be here until wednesday.. Had the bike in pieces and the carb in my hand for a week now and just want to get it on there and see how she goes. After reading the stories from other people on this thread it should go great as i have a few minor mods done to her.

Another quick question, slightly off topic but semi on topic, lol

A few people on this post said the 26mm oko likes the lightend inner rotor kit?

I fitted a new stator plate with new windings so i could run lights, will a lightend inner rotor kit and oil sling effect my new stator plate and charging system? Thanks heaps fellas!
the inner rotor kit is fitted in place of the original stator plate.

and no the inner rotor kit doesnt have a charge coil, but the lifan outer rotor kit does and is in fact a better kit than the irk
Ok great, so can anyone recommend to me which ORK i should get? I have found a few on ebay etc that will suit my bike. Are any better than others in terms of performance?

Ive noticecd a massive price diff between the two (IRK, ORK) seems the ORK's are more expensive, but since i am required to run a head light for rec reg in vic i need the charging coil. So at the expence of losing some power i dont mind.

Is there a specific type of ORK that will better suit my oko 26mm? OR are they all much for muchness?
you have to get the adjustable one... that is all
I wouldn't touch an irk there' a reason they're so cheap
I really do feel like a king right now :D
21mm / 26mm / 28mm / 26mm roundslide

all the flattys are more or less identical except for the bore size

and the losing team:
Is that the Molkt last photo, bottom right?

How do the Molkts go in comparison for the 26mm OKO, anybody have any experience with both?
well it's on the losing team isn't it? that means it sucks balls

chucked the 21mm on a lifan125 shitpro and the power increase is insane... runs a million times better than the molkt and gives a real good punch off the bottom... can atually pop clutchless wheelies... the molkt just died in the ass if you tried to give it some from low revs
Yeah fair enough, reason is i have a 08 pitpro 140xr which was running a Mikuni copy 30mm and a mate of mine has the 09 pitpro 140xr which IS running the Molkt. Seeing as i have got my OKO onto my pitpro yet i was wondering wether there was going to be much difference between my bike and his after i put the OKO on. But youve just confirmed that Molkt are ****, lol.

Its funny though you know, the other day when i rang up motorbike city to try and find a manifold adapter, he asked what sort of carb i was putting on it and i said an "OKO 26mm" to which he replied, "well thats unusual, most people are usually pulling those carbies off as they are ****, youd be better off with a 30mm Mikuni". I simply said "ive read on a forum where lots and lots of people have fitted the OKO and think its a fantastic carb" then hung up. LOL. SO yeah i wasnt sure what his angle was, wether he just didnt want to have to find a little part for me or wether he wanted to sell me an expensive Keihin carb or something but i didnt want to hear it, LOL.. I know on this Thread there have been 2 people who have said they dont like this carb but from what i can gather everyone else here LOVES them, i just cant wait to get the OKO on so i can finally see what you all are talking about :)
see this is classic motorbike city ********, dodgyest bastards, don't believe a word they say

youd be better off with a 30mm Mikuni
which is really a 26mm mikuni! they just tell yu it's a 30mm becuz bigger sounds better....
this is th carby you already have and as I'm sure you know by now it's a peice of ****

the reason they tell you it's good is because they get them for around $10 each from china and resell to you for $100.....
they don't want you to buy an oko because they cost alot more from china and resell for the same price
so they don't make as much profit and n00bs end up paying top dollar for a **** carby

well thats unusual, most people are usually pulling those carbies off as they are ****

another line of pure ********... how can people be puling these off because they're **** when the only bike that comes with one stock is the revMX... and the revMX has only been available for a few weeks now
the truth is the other way around.. people are pulling off the molkts and mikuni's because they're ****.... and I don't think I need to say what carby they're replacing it with

and yes your bike with oko will KILL his bike with molkt
Hey guys...

Sorry, i am sure this has been asked before, but a quick few searches didnt turn up and obvious answers, the smallest main keihin jet DHZ stock is a K96, however i need smaller for my OKO. Where abouts do the sydney residents on here go for their carb jets?

Cheers, Lucas.
try a motorbike dyno shop, any jap moto bike stores or ebay...

what size engine you fitting it too?

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