Fox Float Sizes

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Admin "The Cougar"
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

Just wondering what size fox float mxr will fit on my CRF50 or is it one size fit's all? Cheers.
You will want the Fox Float mxr 260mm shock. That is the size that works on crf50s, stock or extended swingarms. My brothers one is really nice on his Crf, good choice of shock for sure.
Sweet as. Thanks Adam.

Don't know where I can get a set from?
Ah im not too sure. My bro got his from back when Owen Rennie owned it.

Maybe ask that Ming'n 50s company that bought Or i'd just call eastcoast and some other places and suss out who can get them in.

Someone on here may know who is stocking them these days?
Don't ring ming'n , they wayyyyy over priced. They want like $200 for the sik50s frame brace. Theyare good for some **** but **** for others. Good for that kast minute part but if you got time to chase around do it as you'll pay absolute top $ at Ming'n

Ring Andy at EC50s , he can get you one or he might have one lying around.

But yeh EC50s stocks em , Kaos50 stocks em , Mingn 50s stocks em.

Go Newcastle , we have all the shops now haha.

Steve on here has got his for sale , grab that
Tried to Pm Steve but his PM box is full. He did offer to me but wasn't in a position to get it at the time.

I will hit one of those guys up and see what they can do for me.
Is there a different size for KLX i swear there would have to be but im certain ive seen somewhere there the same shock??

i think a 1" longer crf shock is the same length as klx stock shock? so mite be
I'd want to think that FOX would have made a KLX shock.

I think that the Stock KLX shock would be 260mm, which is the length of fox,ishock,elka etc for CRF's.

Im not a KLX person so im not sure, but i thought they would of had a say around 280mm FOX Float for a KLX to get some more height in the rear....
pretty sure i read the other day that crf and klx float are the same shock (same length)
yer ive heard that they lack length (rear height) on klx's so i think they mite be the same shockk ... ive seen a few people make a custom end peice that screws on ?? and it lengthens them.

i really want one but just think they wont be to good on a klx with big bike style jumps and with a longer rear swingarm to much leverage and air in the shock ... ive seen bent shafts on them etcc

sucks because i want to try one out!! but dont want to have to upgrade again later on..
Yeah man FOX shocks arent the only option. I like my Elka Better than the Fox Float still.

Ohlins would be sick, they make mad big bike stuff so there Mini shocks will be good...
Tried to Pm Steve but his PM box is full. He did offer to me but wasn't in a position to get it at the time.

I will hit one of those guys up and see what they can do for me.

hey mate i didnt no my inbox was full i might sell my shock for the right price but i would need a shock to replace it with that is better than stock so what are you runnin now maybe do a trade plus cash my way
Get an ohlins wogtaz , just as good. Awsome shocks

öhlins offers only one shock for motarding for the crf50 and they are freaking expensive!!

..and there is only one size of the MXR...for crf50 and klx...only the bushings are different;)