True, was a good days riding!! Can't say I took it to easy on the 190 all day with brad smith lol I did have my "A" game on. Good footage to show how hard we were going, keepin world number 4 behind you isnt the most easiest thing to do.. That bloke has fitness like no other.. Vibrations on my bike were insane which added to my arm pump so I couldn't keep up once he paced me, thanks to 3 snapped bottom engine bolts and 1 rattled out... Yep that's no bottom bolts GOD DAMMIT!!!!
Got out there on my 88 throwing some bragging right passing the 160's and rubbing rear tyres with a 150 anima. 17" 14" motovert lol hahah love the 10/10 power out there at the end of the day!! But I was rooted with a massive headache cause of how ridged the crf88 was lol poor thing was on the limiter the whole time hahah
But all in all was good day, got around slower with Roy keeping in shape with right lines to choose. He got faster and faster thought out the day and looked really confident which was good thing! Keep it up mate.
Nikkos new 190 got ran in like she asked lol! And ol boy Phil was out there punchin out the laps smashing the clutch every corner.. Got me questioning how many clutches that bloke goes through ever weekend!!
Luke Cunningham showing some real pace on Gregs spare bike keeping on the tail end of me and brad smith watch out guys that blokes gonna change the points overall for sure!!!
Marcus out there also was good to follow him for a couple laps he defiantly felt at home at this track.. Was hard to pass him out there.. Props for the footage Roy! Looks good Gregs got some footage to put up aswell as nikkos helmet cam
Greg smith was out there with me on his sons 88, 1st time in a bike in over 2 months with his broken wrist.. Good man grego!! That's about it guys was a goo day