Frankston this weekend?

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i have 5 or 6 litres of used oil you can have, less than one hour in the bike, hahaha

Just buy some one the way. Or go to Brads in the morning, easy. Belray oil = $11
Super cheap auto on the way. God it's hard
I was there Saturday, #83. Were you there Phil?

YES, i was sitting on my bike waiting for you to come to the pits, you came off the track, I turned around to have a yarn and you had ridden back to the car park, hahaha.

i was there yesterday riding by myself... was ****! phil was there, with no bike but as a spectator lol

I came as moral support cause I knew you'd be lonely. awwww
Ahh bugger, would've been good to ride with ya.

We should hit up nunawading track once they open for 2013. Bit more fun I reckon.
Heaps of people there today, was good fun. Bike ran out of petrol just as some other fast guys lobbed. Had a ball though.
Sunday sucked, absolutely no one there except tiny kids and angry fathers. Rapidly getting over Frankston. Time to head somewhere new. Spoke to one of the track builders who i spoke to about fixing the track again, he subsequently informed me they can't do it with their equipment and their original track builder bailed on them. NICE. May need to buy a CR 250 again. Nowhere to ride mini bikes.
Anyone going? Or should i go to Broady?

What happened to your motovert? Wait, which one?

Bring your KX. I'm getting a 250 soon to
Good day today. I was the ONLY pitbike there and had the track to myself for most of it. I ROCK

Nossam286 came and took some pics, the French guy, nice bloke, now trying to set him up with a bike.

Pics will be posted soon. Maybe put on the French pitbike website too, god im good












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Who's that good lookin rooster? I'm diggin' the 9th pic, yeah baby
awsome pics. Phil67, i was there last saturday 26 jan. but did not stay long with two bikes. first it run out of petrol then use the other one having so much fun but ended with a broken rear shocks.