Funny Number Plates

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
Werribee, Vic
Hey all........was watching tv and they were taking about funny number plates.....which gave me the idea of starting a thread of pictures of funny number plates whether its bikes or cars doesnt matter post them up for a laugh

Ill start it off :


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I remember a plate on a shiny black Benz that read WAZHIS. I thought that was pretty funny. Another funny one for a chicks car was PMS247.

There were a couple of vert RXs on here with the plates WTF and LOL
Ive seen some pretty mean plates...Planning on getting a set...Unsure of what tho...But ffs in Queensland it costs like $2,500 for a set of Fully personalised plates...In NT it used to cost like 300 bucks! im gonna have to go with the 3 letters and 3/2 numbers...;(...still costs $450! lol..
seen is55ed with the P plate infront of it :p thought that was good..and is50ff
.....and now for some shameless self promotion...

I saw this number plate on an awesome looking black sled of a pimplimo, parked suspiciously close to my garage.
Free EDC chip to whoever can tell me what the plates mean....
^^^we have a winner...
Hmm. that didnt last long... you'd be surprised at how many people dont get it.
Had one bloke ask if it meant "StarF***ker".... lol
mafia... staff car. lol

reminds me of an ooooold bumper sticker i saw years ago on the back of this gangsta old valiant

insured by mafia. you hit me, we hit you
oh and even tho i missed out on the EDC chip. what is it btw?
lol an EDC chip is in the same realm of Go-Fast performance parts, as minibike Turbos, flux capacitors, and new pre-stretched powerbands....
Someone sold an atomik fleabay bike last week, and it was advertised as having an "EDC powerchip" fitted, and was heaps betterer than standard...
So now Miniriders is looking at stocking EDC powerchips, Turbos and Flux capacitors as incentives for "Winners".... ;)
ah good, the flux capacitor has just worn out on my DeLorean.

lucky this place is gonna carry them in stock. :p

wonder if the EDC chip will help the DeLorean gain some extra Gigawatts? i need 1.81.
ok, ok, next time i see it ill take a pic... "HERPES" on a VW bug for some sex clinic :p

"FUSSY1" (and 2)

"SHE 469" gotta love that one :p

and our sweet innocent librarian had "HEL 666"

sydneys north shore is the home of funny plates


i personally want "HITME" on my bike

or "MUKN4ON" :)
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Lets open this up to PHOTOS only, its pretty pointless just listing abreviatinos of what would make a good plate.

so.. some rules..

If pictures arnt supplied.. it isnt true.

No quoting pictures. make a note of the post number(top rhs iirc) and who posted it.. or quote, and remove the pic links..

Keep chit chat to a minimum..

think thats about it.. so let the REAL posting begin!
Here's an interesting one ... :D


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I agree, pics or it didn't happen!!


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