Gladstone minimotard course

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Tannum Sands

Wat u guys thinks of it??

I got 110km down the stright on my old expert cant wait to see wat my new bike dose


i get an spec sheet for it i spend bout $6900 on that one
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wowzers, that track looks pretty big judging by the size of the buildings and what not. Do you have to run some pretty tall gearing so you don't top out?

how long is a lap? like how many metres?
Maybe ya can leave out the straight and loop up that bit of dirt....sorta looks like it's got a hit on it if ya look closely.... looks like fun anyway.
masterspoon i dont no in meter how long the track is but we get around it in about 40sec. When the super motard came up here for the national titles in 2004 &2005 there best lap was and 44sec
yer it on an big hill the stright is down low and it go up hill from there
ok from what I can find on the net the track is 790m in lenth
now not saying I don't believe you because I have not seen SuperMotards at Gladstone but from what your saying if you are both running the same track, same direction then you could outrun the likes of Josh McFarlane, Troy Herfoss and Jake Magee just to name a few with them on big bikes?

also at the 790m in 40 seconds = average speed of 71.1 kmh
and 790m in 45 seconds = average speed of 63.2 kmh
if this is the case you would have to be cornering HEAPS faster then the big bikes because as soon as they crack the throttle you would be left behind meaning that for there average speed to be that low they would have to be going very slowly around the corners.

So were you maybe talking ****?
Can u race ur bike in the 125cc class? If not, whats the point of spending all that loot on it? I dont get it..... but i guess if u have a bazzillion dollars why not...

lol @ Spoons calculations..... Sounds like BS to me also!
well we must be able to then no bull **** u can ask sam wenham former winner of fotm(motover pro)i think he done an lap in 38.5sec
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i believe that that is quite possible, I just don't believe that you are lapping faster then the big bikes can, the track just isn't tight enough and they would have a huge power advantage
man if you hit 110 on your old bike it must have went like a shower of ****!!!

the straight doesn't look very long!
Do you have any action shots Corey? Hard to believe someone spends so much money on a pitty to not have a few photos of it being ridden.
Do you have any action shots Corey? Hard to believe someone spends so much money on a pitty to not have a few photos of it being ridden.

lol that would be because i havnt race that bike yet i got fotos of me on my old bike but and it also because i take more videos not fotos

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