Go kart project.

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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Lake Macquarie
My friend and I decided to build a go kart, so after 1 week of research and design we started constructing it. we used one inch 1square tubing and welded a frame together yesterday.

If anyone has any ideas or pointers to share im more then happy to hear them.
I built a steering prototype the other night, so i have the concept of steering down pact. We will be able to build most of it, except rear live axle, bearings, and tyres.

anyway here are some pics so far.

Put a two stroke 125cc in it, 6 speed manual the thing will fly. Will make for some good fun with the power band
d much rather see you guys construct a HOTAIR ballon

or even yet get a deckchair and tie a **** load of helium filled balloons to it
d much rather see you guys construct a HOTAIR ballon

or even yet get a deckchair and tie a **** load of helium filled balloons to it

havent you seen mythbusters? it takes wayyyyy to many balloons and there weather balloons. so i think ill stick with the kart.

I wont have to spend too much money. i will make most of the parts myself.
hahahaha, have you seen the 2/5th scale sherman tanks done on youtube??

all in all I reckon you could build one for under 2k. not bad considering..

if I had the funds to donate man I would, but I dont, so I cant.. lmao

id be on the look out for a cheapo china quad, taking the front A arms steering componentry and rear axle and wheels from that. certainly save yourself some time in the build and the R&R department...

also worth looking up scale landrover builds, some sweet sweet things bein done there!

hahaha give the zook a run for its money ya reckon ;) hehehe challenge accepted :D
steering will be a sinch, made a full prototype out of timber yesterday and my design works, and i have a mate who does metal work at school, so he is able to "donate" some materials lol, i might have a full rear axle, sprocket, brake lined up, hopefully i can get it.

This is what we got done this weekend, hopefully on tuesday we are getting a brand new trike chasis and we hope to use its rear axle.

Spindle holders and engine in position:


tie rods threaded so they can be adjusted:

steering column and foot rests will have a floor soon:
Not going to use the steering wheel any more, as it is to difficult to mount so we are going to use handle bars with a throttle and brake setup similar to a motor bike. (the steering wheel was a hospital bed tyre with a few spokes cut out to look like a racing wheel lol it was comfy but didnt work out unfortunately)
Those spindle/stub axles dont look too strong. Might want to look at putting a gusset in or they might have a very painfull failure
The wheels look too small coz the frame is so wide. You should put some big wheels with muddies and some suspension and make it an off roader.
yep, definately need to beef up the spindles, the way they're designed doesn't leave much for gussets but clean up the welds you have done and add more.
i recommend adding some gussets to the spindle mounts.
the wheels do look small for the size but remember the bigger the wheel, the more stress the spindle and mounts are given.
well the "full trike except engine" turned out to be a quad with jack all.

we are thinking of getting rid of our steering and using the quads steering. we cut the front half of the chasis off and intend to use that. it has front hubs with brakes, and suspension.

do you think it will be possible to mount / weld this to our frame some how ?
anything is possible, the width of the chassis you have vs. the width of the quad is the question.

a quad with jack all is better than a trike with the lot, considering you now have front end geometry. the only thing is that the length vs. width is different.

shoot me a pm with pics and i'll do up a pic to help out again
Put 2 engine's on it
what a beast.

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