Well-Known Member
This is what i want for xmass
Go-Pro Helmet cam now in HD
watch the vid there freaking awesome
Go-Pro MotorCross
Go-Pro Helmet cam now in HD
watch the vid there freaking awesome
Go-Pro MotorCross
anyone got experience with these cheap eagleye cams?
EaGleye 32GB mini Helmet Camera Video outdoor sport Cam - eBay, Other Digital Video Cameras, Digital Video Cameras, Cameras. (end time 21-Nov-09 23:38:28 AEDST)
yeah I've decided the ones I linked which are frickin EVERYWHERE on the net are useless junk
I'm going for this one now Oregon Scientific ATC2K Digital Camera Reviews Australia still not great but has a name behind it and would be useable.
I only wanna spend about a hundred, I'd love to get a go pro but just don't want it badly enough to spend $200+
If anyone has a second hand let me know ;D (hint, hint snitchy)
you got any vids on youtube thump?
you got any vids on youtube thump?
i payed $340AUS for the helmet hero hd. but obviosuly there is a wait.