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im abit slow aint been around these boards for a little while i just noticed carter sells a manual clutch kit i was just told its a full conversion from semi auto to fully manual with clutch the kit cost $49.95 check it out friggin cheap as chips guess my little nephew will learn to ride a bike with a clutch after all :wink:
fcuk :!: :!: :!: thats cheap, someone was telling me they could convert it from semi auto to clutch for around $100

i wouldnt know how to fit it but i would give it a go anyway, goto learn how to if i want to become a motorcycle apprentice
i seen the americans selling the kit months ago for US$70 now they are selling them for US$150-$200 im not sure what comes with carters clutch kits but the ones i seen on the american ebay come with the case cover maybe carter has a way of modding the original case cover? i would like to know :D my little nephew is looking forward to one when hes old man gets around to buying it :roll:
crazzy 1 wheres that address of the bush out at cecil hills?
gazza2003au, i will have to take you for a guided tour when i get my copy thumpstar, im not sure the street we used to enter in is know blocked off? but yea its in kemps creek and you can see it as you come down the hill along elizbeth drive, when u pass the tip and the bowling clup you look to your left and its in there

much better view from the hill thats if you know where im talking about
sorry for hijacking this thread :p
crazzy #1, i just went for a cruze to check things out looks good :twisted: im not sure if this is the entrance u used but u can give it a try go along elizabeth dr go pass the rubbish tip keep on going pass the bowling club turn left at devonshire rd than turn left onto exeter rd drive down to the bottom of the road park on the right plenty of room there u will see an entrance it has been blocked off with a pile of dirt just make your own way over it if u dont i will when i get a chance to take my bike out :wink: might even take the missus bike out there tomorrow :D
Hey all, just letting you know I have just ordered and paid for one of the Heavy Duty Manual Clutch Kits from CarterRaceEngines. Once I get it I will let you know how it goes and what it comes with.
an pm has just been sent, tell me if u go i will proberly go down there with my mate and his twister go karts ill have to pm again to tell u other entrences just be carefull my bro almost got busted

i might take the kx 80 or wr426 if i have a chance or am alowed :?:
gazza2003au a pm has just been sent, tell me if u go i will proberly go down there with my mate and his twister go karts ill have to pm again to tell u other entrences just be carefull my bro almost got cought out. killed a dog, ripped a nail of his toe, got hit by a cop and clipped a letter box on the same road u were on before they bloked it of, hey if u go out there u might find his brake leaver

i might take the kx 80 or wr426 if i have a chance or am alowed :?:

no more hijacking of this topic pm me when you have a chance :?: