Goodbye Pitpro!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Was bound to happen, one of the biggest ebay motorbike brands have finally started selling the Pitpro 138cc as there own now, Atomik Nitrous 138cc, I no if i wanted one i'd be purchasing from atomik, Pickup, and most of all exelent custermor service! But pitpro doesnt offer the 138cc now but 140cc, will be interesting to see which does better now.
would much prefer to buy a PitPro than an Atomik. A mate with a atomik admits that the Pitpros are much better quality than the atomiks. As for customer service buy a pitpro from Maylands Performance Engines and you will not be disappointed. They are based in Adelaide but deliver Australia Wide!
Its exactly the same just with atomik stickers slapped on it!

But it has a 138 engine.. yuck.

I like pitpro better hahaha :D
would much prefer to buy a PitPro than an Atomik. A mate with a atomik admits that the Pitpros are much better quality than the atomiks. As for customer service buy a pitpro from Maylands Performance Engines and you will not be disappointed. They are based in Adelaide but deliver Australia Wide!

Yeah I hate aotmik and would never buy one even if it is exactly the same as the pitpro.
Still pretty stupid using a 127cc engine when the new pitpros and DHZ are using the 140s...
Its strange, atomiks other bikes dont seem to be BSE, they must have seen how well pitpro and other BSE sellers were doing and decided to copy them. :D
yeh who would pay $3999 when they could get a thumpstar or motovert
What they recommend is crazy, pitpro rerecommends a $1799 retail price for the 138 and a $1299 retail price for the pitpro RR and in the shop I went to they were selling the RR for $1200.
I know... they sell them cheaper from the website but thats thier recommended price to dealers.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA. well one thing is its good for the consumer. hopefully get abit of a price war goin haha. I wuld buy an atomik if its identical an cheeper. just take the stick kit off. if i bought a pit pro the stickers wuld b off ASAP anyways :)

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