yer well i want to know the best way of getting my grips of my bars ive seen stuff on this forum about using a air compressor .. so wats the deal there cud sum 1 explain to me wat u do and how ?? or any easy other ways .
Screw driver, WD40.
Simple level them up slightly with the screw driver and spray alot of WD40 i there. Then all you have to do it twist them abit and they should slide right off.
yeah. I don't think water would be the best, but i think the screw driver/wd40 is great. On mine bike i just levered it up with a flat head screwdriver and quitrted a bit of washing detergent down there.
Washing dertergent also helps when puting grips on. Turn it abit and in 5 days its solid.
yea dey r all good ideas mate but the quick and easy way is juss to slide a flat head screw driver into it and spray water down and den move it around and it should slide offf or juss do wat brayden#87 said juss chop dem off if u aint gonna use dem again.....
Use a small phillips screw driver to break the seal and spray soapy water in there.That`s what I do,unless they are stuffed,then it`s out with the stanley knife
I don't like the idea of washing detergent when putting grips on. I used it once and the grip came of in the wet when I had the front wheel in the air. Not nice.
I used to use a little petrol to slide them, it let them slip on easy then caused the rubber to stick to the bar. Had to cut them off after that.