having a rant

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So glad to see your young bloke got out there and showed the guy how much fun he could have :)
Props to yourself for not knocking him out to, as great as it woulda been lol
It took a fair bit of restraint and some strong words off the missus that stopped me from decking him.
I actually just showed my misses this thread and she said thank god there are a bunch of decent blokes out there and looks forward to meeting any of you at a ride day. You all put a smile on her dial so cheers. I think she was a little worried that this was going to happen everytime to him because she told me to go get his pee wee 80 before christmas. Basically i am not going to go changing my beliefs to so we fit in the crowed.
I'm with ya all the way mate. I first bought a mini for 700 bucks because that was all the money I had, took me 1 and a half years to save lol. Loved the bike to bits though mind you and after I got job spent 3k building yet another mini. Minis are an awesome way to have a blast for cheap and heck I know I'd never be riding if it weren't for my first Pitpro!

You are not alone my friend, and glad your little tucker had a blast, nothing beats a good blast on any bike china or jap, mini or large !!!!!
Cheers guys.
Everyone here has confirmed what i thought.
When it comes to my young bloke i get pretty protective just like most parents and i just do not see the need to put a young bloke down they should be encouraged to ride and not to worry about how much the bike costs. It gets them away from the tv and xbox and they have the most fun doing it. He had a great time and his smile said it all.

That's the truth! If more parents were like you I think we would have a lot less kids getting into trouble because they have nothing to do. I totally respect you for getting your boy out riding. It's awesome. As others have said it doesn't matter how good the bike is, it matters that a young fella is loving life and more importantly living it too. My best memories growing up is all the riding I did with my dad. He made it possible and now I have a life long passion for riding and it gives me an escape from everyday life. It was a gift which I'm grateful for to this day.

That guy was a small minded **** that knows nothing about life. He is a fool that will never know his own stupidity. Keep up the great work mate. You're killin it!
You've got more restraint than me mate. As soon as the young fella was gone it would have been on!! In all honesty why should it matter about the bike? Growing up my family didn't have money to buy a moto for us so i would have been THRILLED to have any bike!! Not everyone can shell out thousands of dollars ( not saying you can't) but also when kids are young they might not get into riding then your left with a bike you have to get rid of for a fraction of what you paid! Needless to say now I have my own money and make good coin holy **** do I have some toys haha :)

That's awesome your missus loves it to, wish mine did.
Last time i was there i saw a guy on a 250 try to wheelie in the car park, towards his misses. She was sitting on a fold up chair in front of their trailer, well he fell off the back and the bike slammed her into the trailer.
Another bloke was roosting an 18 year old girl who was with us, and it was her 1st time riding, i told him what id do to him and he rode off roosting me, but i didnt see him again.
But everyone else ive met at pp are good blokes.
Next time you run in to someone like this remember, on average you are no more that 20m from a f@ckwit at any given time... Sometimes they sneak up closer to you ;)

You've gotta take this stuff with a grain of salt... This is the sort of guy I blow a kiss to, really gets their blood boiling!
So it would of had a phone number??? Let the phun begin :)

I was thinking the same thing lol but I will not stoop to that level. Then again it is only going to take a few drinks ;):alc:

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