Having trouble with mi MINI!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
g'day guys,
just asking a question on mi little brother's behalf, he has a little 49cc 2 stroke bike & just today we noticed he was happily riding it for around 10 mins when the engine stopped, i took a look in the fuel tank, you could see fuel but it was getting very low, yet it was still definitely there, anyway, it would start up again & when you started to rev it the bike would cut out again & eventually it just wouldn't start, im sure it's nothing & i just need more fuel, whats likely is maybe the remains in the tank have a vast majority, maybe in the last bits there is much too much oil or something, has this ever happened to you guys out there? or any other guys, what you reckon is happening?
PS. thanks for the last vote on the plastics, they arrived, they were a really good price & now the bike looks AWSOME, i will post pics during the week.
i had a 2 stroke 50cc chopper till recently and i found the original spark plug gave me alot of headaches, got a decent one and had no worries.
also make sure if the bike has been sitting for a while with fuel in give it a good shake before riding (incase oil has settled) not sure if it done anything but was told it years ago when i had my 2 stroke dirt bikes and always done it.

m :)
ok, i will put some more fuel & oil in soon, i might go down 2 where the bike is 2morrow & try it out, yeh i tried shaking it up aswell, it may be flooded, it has a choke instead of a primer, it really gives me **** because i am always 2 late to flick it down & the engine stops before i can shut off the choke, lol, i am trying to keep the bike cheap as mi lil bro is already too big & well u can only sell them for like $100, i'll take a look at spark plugs now but won't buy any until im sure, he will probably upgrade in a few months, just that he is pretty skinny & only 9 so how stuff like letting out the clutch might kinda freak him out & gears & stuff, im hoping he will upgrade, i am faster in mi gear 1 idle then he is full throttle basically! i need a little more comp. for the time being i wonna keep him happy though, we only paid like $250 so i wasn't expecting it 2 be perfect.
i actually was thinking about a chopper but like there is nowhere 2 ride & stuff, sometimes u just get caught up in things & all of a sudden go crazy about needing something, an hour later ur like why he hell did i just buy this thing, lol.
what i wouldn't mind is a 2 seat go kart for me & mi little brother, they are $730 on ebay but it now but that is only 50cc! if mi bros bike that is 50cc, carries only 1 person, weighs tonnes less & has more power cos of 2 stroke, i don't wonna imagine how slow it would go, im thinking about a 150cc one or something
i was looking at the 2 stroke 50s for my 9 year old son they were around 300- 350 but got on ebay and won a atomic 50cc 4 stroke here is a pic
50cc 4 stroke
4 gears all down
no clutch
65cm seat hight
electric start
not noisy at all
$450 is all i payed.
and it is a rocket the gearing is perfect and is so easy to ride.
our son had no experience on a motor bike before christmas and now he can go up and down gears and rides great through tracks. would be a good upgrade

m :)
yeh, how much u want for urs, further more where u live cos i may wonna "test ride" it during tonight whne ur asleep & it mightn't be back for a while, lol, good buy, mi lil bro is too short for that bike, it wouldn't prob fall on him, he's like 25 kg, lol
i have seen bikes like that, they call them crf's but they aren't for $475 buy it now, it is a good price, all down gears??? u mean all up gears? mi lil bro's was $220, damn good price!
pretty soon i might hav 2 pay u guys just 4 ur opinion, how about $5.00 for every guy that suggests a descent solution (joking)
might be blocked jets, take the carbi off and air filter and wash the air filter out then give the carby a blast with compressed air at the petrol station if you don't have a air compressor then put it back on. should fix it. If it was the spark plug it pretty much wouldn't start at all.
before i do that i will tyr just putting in new fuel & try & get it exactly 25 - 1, last time i put in 2 much oil so me mi little bro looked like a bloody roulet with all the sky writting, lol
oh yeh! liek i said, he was like a roulet doing sky writting! lol
ay bro cleanin out the carby is a good idea.. otherwise paly with ur carby settings coz it mite b gettin to much fuel
i have never tried pre-mix, 2 be honest i hav never heard of it, but yeh, it would be made in a massive factories & couldn't be too accurate.

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