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Trimmed up the seat, glued the foam on and trimmed it. Some vinyl and It's done.

Problems. It won't stay running on it's own. If I put a shot of ether in the card it will run. Which line goes where. ? The glass bubble shows no fuel. I had the black rubber fuel line to the nipple on the right, clear return on left, is that correct?
Just when you think spring was here it got cold as hell and snowed again, I haven't had time to work on getting it started, which line goes to with? See last pic, thanks.
Picked up some cat skin fake leather, I'll do the seat and start back at the bike. Still have fuel issues, need your help guys.
I have never seen a carb like that before dude.

Has to be one or the other. Just give each a go?

Other option is to take carb apart and figure it out.
Bike had to take a back seat, I just remodeled master bath now the Master Bedroom about half done. Spring getting both cars ready for summer, oil changes and all that, too much to do, haven't has a minute for the Minibike. I'm looking at the seat cover, the shoe reapair shop said he could sew the 2 front corners, stay tuned for more Detroit Bike Build, lol
I forgot to say, I picked up a fiberglass repair kit, the front half of the fairing need to be trimmed off to blend into the seat I made, and there's a crack in each side that needs to be repaired. I'll post up pics, I think I'll then take the front fender, fairing ant the plastic part that goes over the headlight to a buddy to paint them, he runs the paint shop at a Display shop. Same blue should work.
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What a biotch, Photo Bucket hosed me, I lost all the pics on your site and my site as well. I just had surgery on my hand, I'll be getting back on the bike soon, how should I list future pics?
Photobucket bites the Big One
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image.jpgI'm getting ready to start work again on the bike, can't wait. I put Race Deck flooring in the garage. garage done.
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I need to cover the seat, I picked up some Cat Skin vinyl, also repair the crack in the fairing, then get it along with the fender painted. Done. But I haven't got it started yet. I'll try tomorrow.
Here's the flooring, 2.5 bays are covered, last has carpet you can remove to pull a vehicle in. image.jpeg
The thing with photobucket is that they have had a change recently which makes you pay 300 dollars to see photos!
image.jpg Now to blend broken faring into home made seat, there's some cracks in it so the info fibreglass kit will work I think.
I'll make a temp and route the plastic the same on both sides where the purple tape is.
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image.jpg I need to get off my a$$ and get the bike done. Yep. Still around.
Seeing how to post pics.
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Wow. Pics are back. Nice. I'll be working on the bike soon.
Hey, it’s been a while, I found a primer bulb replacement kit, this may have been the issue. Later today I’ll replace the hard old primer build and connect the 2 carb lines, it’s 50/50 chance which line goes to what. I’ll do a video, my buddy on my forum has an account, I’ll post up the video. Also I go to remove the gas tank and dump out the old gas, I can’t believe it’s been this long since I’ve messed with the bike. I also found a place to do the cat skin cover fir the seat. All there years and I never got to ride it yet.
Here’s the kit, $8 I think it was at the image.jpg Homo Depot.
I’ll be adding to this this week, I’m going to try to get it started once again. Stay tuned.
Hello to my Aussie friends, I still after all this time have never fired up the bike, every time I walk past the bike in the garage, it says hey, WTF. Lol. I gottta get it running.