help bike wont start

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far out m2r reading your poor ass details gave me a headace no wonder your bike wont start cuase u got no brains lol nah joking but seriously Try not Fudging your bike more then it is so Assess it Tell us whats going on what sound it gives and what happends were not phsyicik so tell us. and dont bother asking mso if you cant even Give out proper details.
M2R go to the tech tips or use the search function type"carby cleaning" there is a tutorial on it ...after that you'll know what's goin on ... no offense bruz but ya gotta know a bit at your end if we are gunna help, there isn't that much to know it'll take a few hours tops ....other than that get a mate online that knows a bit about motors to come on ....but I reckon you should read the tutorial ... in fact there's lots of info in there like a man with a wheelbarrow (ya got it all in front of ya ) so get in there and we'll speak more when ya know how to pull it down and what the various adjustments do ...not payin out on ya bruz without you knowin that we aint got a chance ...that's just the news:cool:
The tutorial is by asr rider and it is on youtube a step by step guide..all ya need to know and more ....go to the tutorial section and click on the link.
Without trying to be mean I think you should have bought a push bike.Before I got my 2 sons bikes i spent ages on this site learning all i could so that if something went wrong I had a good chance of fixing it myself, and if I couldnt then at least I could describe the problem better than my bike wont start.
Not bagging you mate but how about helping yourself first so that the experts here(and I,m not 1 of them) know what youre talking about.
i have had a bike b4 an orion 125cc and its like never ****** up then i get a better bike and it stuffs only me this would happen to
Wonder how long his other bike lasted. Till it ran out of petrol or the tyres went down?
He put it together real good, He changed the oil with premium unleaded, dropped some motul in the tank, locktighted the throttle and choke and greased the air filter just like he read about.
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Damn now I,m starting to feel sorry for him. Well I would but still laughing at the last post:D:D:D

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