Help !!!!!!!! Electrics

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Sep 29, 2010
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problem! and it has me rther stumped AND frustrated!

while attempting to clean down the atomik 125 and remove some of the unneeded wires (for electric start that isnt there and lights so on and so forth), the first thing and only thing i did was undo the 2 wires bolting onto what looks like a solenoid? i could be wrong but its sort of steel finish in colour and has 2 bolts with thick red wires going to it, a thin red wire with inline fuse going to it and some more wires going into the centre that canot be removed/unbolted
all i did was disconnect these, try to start, no start, put them back on, still no start.

has compression, has some form of electricity coming from the coil lead as i stuck screwdriver in and did the old trick and it zaps away nicely, however, no spark coming from the spark plug, and i replaced it jus for safe measure, still no spark.

any help wud be greatly appreciated as i am completely dumbfounded now, possibly missing something very simple, could it be fried CDI?
well if it has spark at the lead but not at the plug and you've replaced the plug i would assume its the plug cap..
just stuck screwdriver in plug cap and kicked it over and still has a strong zap coming out of it, without a multimetre i know its not much good, and odd that it started fine just moments before i unplugged the (what i think is the) solenoid..?
shall try new cap tomorow
just stuck screwdriver in plug cap and kicked it over and still has a strong zap coming out of it, without a multimetre i know its not much good, and odd that it started fine just moments before i unplugged the (what i think is the) solenoid..?
shall try new cap tomorow
ok, how are you testing the spark plug for spark.
it needs to be earthed out..(dont hold it away from the engine like you would with a screw driver)
Id say its the starter solanoid that your talking about and by the sounds of things you have an earth problem or a wire earthing out on the frame somewhere
so if i just removed this solenoid and blanked off the wires it should still kick over, becos the solenoid isnt needed for a manual start? with it unplugged still no spark
ill check over the bike for any sign of wires earthing out but again, if it was earthing somewhere i would of thought there would be no spark coming from the coil, which there is, just not the plug..
gah this is driving me insane lol sorry if im bugging!
i was holding the plug on the motor casing of the bike to earth it, and i traced the thick green earth wire from where it joins the frame and turns out it goes nowhere, is cut off, but this is not of my doing..could it have been finding earth from somewhere else and now i hav disrupted the wiring it no longer is?
any ideas on which are the wires that need to be earthed and where they come out of the case?
all fixed, was as you said an earthing problem, turns out the earth wire travelled the length of the bike and back, where it then joined to a space connecter, once tht spade connecter had been removed the cicuit was broke, FAIL!
now to attempt to change the forks to upside down ones that i have, anyone suggest any tricks to taking forks off and putting new ones in?
Glad to hear you got your bike running again.
To change to USD forks you will also need new triples
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