Help me with jobs

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2008
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Here's the story...

I currently work as a first year auto electrician apprentice 2 days a week, school based, just finnished year 11 i am leaving school not going back for year 12.
I am not sure if i want to continue doing that apprenticeship. So before i go fulltime i am looking around for another job i really dont no if i want to become a electrician. What are some great apprenticeships out there?
I was thinking panel beating, automotive painting or boat building?
Any ideas?

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panel beating, automotive painting and auto elec arnt the best paid jobs.
boat building goes alrite though i think.

im a 1st year industrial electrician and its preety good.

if ur doing auto elec. why not consider being a industrial electrical fitter/mechanic?
the pay is preety decent (my mate is a auto elec. second year at kloster ford and i get paid a lil bit more than him and im in first year)
auto elec. has a few things in common with auto elec.

you learn a whole deal more being a industrial electrician, you can do cars, houses preety much every thing!

industry is where the moneys at!
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Interesting that both responses so far suggest heading towards the highest paying jobs.:confused:

My advice is to head toward something you have a real interest in and believe you'll enjoy and get satisfaction out of. I have two uni degrees and chose to work in an industry that wasn't the greatest paying but I absolutely loved it. I could earn a lot more money, but how happy would that make me?

It never feels like a chore getting out of bed to go to work when you enjoy what you do.... that's much more important than what your pay pocket contains in my opinion.:)
Interesting that both responses so far suggest heading towards the highest paying jobs.:confused:

My advice is to head toward something you have a real interest in and believe you'll enjoy and get satisfaction out of. I have two uni degrees and chose to work in an industry that wasn't the greatest paying but I absolutely loved it. I could earn a lot more money, but how happy would that make me?

It never feels like a chore getting out of bed to go to work when you enjoy what you do.... that's much more important than what your pay pocket contains in my opinion.:)

Usually I would agree as you do spend 40 hours a week doing whatever it is your doing but for the life of me I can't think of a single type of apprenticeship that would be enjoyable... the closest might be landscaping but even then you would probably just end up digging holes. I think he should choose the highest paying job and later in life he would have more options, such as opening a business.
Pockethead, it's true that most apprenticeships can be a little ******, but if you're talking about Jakey opening his own business or whatever later, it would be in the field he chooses. So why wouldn't he choose a field he loves from the start?

The best exponents of any jobs are those that enjoy and take pride in their work, and that then breeds success.

So if all apprenticeships are ****** as you say, why not pick one that will at least give skills that he'll enjoy exploring?

Sorry Jakey, it sounds like we're planning your life..... ;)
apprenticeships arnt that bad.
i mean you can come across some angry **** tradesmen here and there but most of the time ur learning new stuff.
but u will get the **** jobs every now and then in the first year, but after that u let the 1st year do em wen ur in second year.
its well worth putting up with!
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yeah industry sounds pretty good but i dont really no of anything that im really intrested in if you get what i mean.
I just want something good and fun that pays well.
yeah industry sounds pretty good but i dont really no of anything that im really intrested in if you get what i mean.
I just want something good and fun that pays well.

Dont we all ,dont we all

now there's many places this time in your life will take you ,rememeber

money aint every thing ,and the most sucsesfull ppl are the lucky 1's who figure out how to make money out of a passion they love

now i'm just a lowly ol gyprockr,dont get me wrong we earn big $$,more than alot off ppl who spend many many yrs studying.Tho cause i earn big $$ doesnt mean im happy with what i do ,wich in turn makes it even harder to get up every day and go do it

i say choose what you love to do ,and best of luck in your new adventure
Another vote for doing something you enjoy.

Just be aware you dont want your Hobby to become your Job. Interest is often lost and 'Fun' becomes a chore. ie: A plumbers taps always leak, a sparkys lights never work, and a mechanics car will run rough. comprehende!?
^^^ I disagree to a certain extent. Horse were my hobby and I made them my job. I prefer to be with them, outdoors in the fresh air then stuck in an office.

I never have, and never will get sick of being with and around horses. I love it and I get paid for it.:p

It's the people that give me the *****, not the horses... lol

I guess that's another consideration... indoors or outdoors?

In a workshop working on cars? Outside landscaping someone's garden?

Hours are another consideration. A boat builder for example could work in his workshop to his own hours and schedule.... a plumber may work to the client's schedule and time frame.

Some people like structure in their jobs, others prefer flexibility. These are all things to consider.:)
Interesting that both responses so far suggest heading towards the highest paying jobs.:confused:

My advice is to head toward something you have a real interest in and believe you'll enjoy and get satisfaction out of. I have two uni degrees and chose to work in an industry that wasn't the greatest paying but I absolutely loved it. I could earn a lot more money, but how happy would that make me?

It never feels like a chore getting out of bed to go to work when you enjoy what you do.... that's much more important than what your pay pocket contains in my opinion.:)

That is great advice skylar, and when you do something you are happy doing or passionate about then usually the money will follow if you have the dedication.

Jakey if you are interested in an electrical type of trade then there are many specialised areas you can go on to do once you are a fully qualified A grade sparky. Obviously there is industrial, commercial and domestic work but some other specialist electrical areas include high voltage work, installing and maintaining electrical machinery and industrial robots in factories or even home automation has become a popular specialist industry. Also the specialist type of jobs are very well payed although any areas in the electrical trade are well paid.

One question you would need to answer before going into an electrical trade is:

Do you like school (TAFE)? There is a lot of schooling and tests involved in an electrical apprenticeship so also take that into consideration.
yeah i hate school but tafe is alright you get paid for it (well i did). its only 6 weeks a year at tafe for the 4 years. Im going to have a look around about what areas i can excell in. Going to see alltrades on wed.
i'm doing a school based apprenticeship next year doing carpentry which I love doing!!! So im happy! Once I've completed doing the apprenticeship I'll then look at being a drillers assistant on an offshore oil rig! I'm just so facinated with them, not because of the money, but its a job that not many people do and I like being away too and I like water as I LOVE me fishin! lol, well theres my life but do some work experince and do what you reckon you'll enjoy for the rest of your life!
I spent all of my childhood doing what I loved. 4 years of my doing a degree in it. 11 years in my industry getting paid for it. Now I utterly hate it. I hate it so much I would rather pack boxes for a living. Never do what you love for someone else. They will utterly ruin it for you.
Do what you enjoy. All its hard enough to plough thru 40 hours a week in a job you love let alone one you dont. The money will look after itself if you are good at your job. Before choosing your trade have a look at what the 40 year old tradesman are doing, if they are still doing it and enjoying it then its probably a good job.........if they have all pulled the pin and are now driving a truck then it is problably not a great job.

I loved being a panel beater (started at 30 years old) but I was the oldest person on the tools in my town, there are no old panelbeates so this tells you something about the trade.
Yes you HAVE to enjoy what you are doing ... Being stuck in the wrong type of job can feel worse than a prison sentence with hard labour ... There's nothing worse than looking out thru a factory door and wishing you were somewhere else day in day out for years on end ... You are required to work 'til you are 65 plus so ask yourself if you could still handle doing the work you are doing now for all those years or especially when you're older if you are picking a trade to "fall back on" if necessary ...

A job such as a qualified and licensed electrician is one such job that you could fall back on and still perform in your "twilight" years , installing power points , ceiling fans etc ... and it'll only harm you if you're not careful ...

Look at people in trades that ruin your physical health over time and avoid those types of "careers" like the plague ... You work for the future ... there's no future in being sick from chemicals etc (like asbestosis) ... or having worn joints etc from heavy labour or repetitive process work jobs , skin cancer from out doors jobs etc etc etc ...

Money or a flash home are no good to you if you aren't healthy enough to enjoy them ...
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