Help with buying new bike

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
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G'day guys,

Been researching heaps and heaps for the last 3 weeks after snapping my old Orion in 2, basically i have 1500 to spend MAX! started at 1000 and now its gone to 1500, to hopefully give me more options. I'm in Melbourne and the dealers around here sell basically pitpro or motovert, had a look at the verts but simply cant afford it.

Tossing up on getting a DHZ outlaw sent down from Syd, as i know a few people on here reckon there way better over pit pro. but am wanting to know what makes them so much better?

i want something midsized as I'm 6ft tall.
i would rather go and buy from my local shop for spares but if DHZ are that much better maybe i can have parts sent if i need them????

I've thrown out the Atomik range as an option, would like to know what happened to MSO? cant find them anywhere, not even on the net.

so it looks like a high end pit pro or a dhz, or can someone recommend something else?..

need this settled so i can put my mind at rest and go for a ride!!! im dying!!! lol :D

cheers guys, this forum is sick BTW
dude i got a PitPro XR140, i am 6ft and 100kgs, perfectly fine bike for what i use it for

i paid $1300 for the new bike,
now i have added protapers, RHK grips, Uni Filter, DID chain and smaller rear sprocket,
Michigan Medical Marijuana
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MSO went bust in the recesion :(.

Most people (Including myself) recomend DHZ becuase of there after services with the products, build quality of the products and they're band for your buck. Yeah don't look at atomik, TDR ect. You might be able to pick up a second hand Motovert or Pitsterpro for $1500. Shoot DHZ an e-mail and he'll do you a good deal and he'll help you out with as much as he can.

Goodluck :)
thanks for the responses guys, just found the DHZ DPRO 160 looks like a good bike spec with the pitser pro 155 motor.

yo ash tray wat do you use your bike for?? im goin to be using mine mainly for a little bit of a fang around my local mx track and will be wiring some lights for rec reg and goin bush riding.

im not looking at hitting huge jumps either. il have a think and email DHZ about it i think ken is the bloke im after yeh?

tried the second hand thing bulldog and have decided on something new, as you know i'm not up for the coin for the top brands and ive had a look at a few motoverts second hand and they have either been raced or given a proper flogging. im fair fussy about bike maintenance and managed to keep my orion running without missing a beat lol i even welded extra steel to brace the frame but it still broke hehe.

thanks for the opinions guys keep em coming
also wanted to ask that pit pro come with a fast ace rear shockie and kenda carlsbads, how does that compare with the DHZ tires and shock or would i be up for an upgrade?

i just found a joint that stocks DHZ it Buzz bikes, will give them a ring to see if they stock spares. they must get there supplys from DHZ cause they sell the outlaw for $1350
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buzz bikes have insanely high prices, I'd just order it from DHZ you get a free set of protapers and if you ask ken he'll give you a better price.

I wouldn't go calling the pitpro XR's High End models LOL
Kenda Tires and fastace shock is the only thing the pitpro has that's better than a DHZ, but if you buy a DHZ & add a fastace shock and kenda tires that's still only $1200. I own a 140xr and the fastace shock is crap so I upgraded it. Motorbike city charge ridiculous prices for their spare parts, it turns out way cheaper to buy spares from DHZ and have them shipped to you. Quality control is piss poor on pitpro's mine came with stripped threads all over it. And the XR's use KLX style plastics which is a pain in the ass.

Bottom line is the DHZ is better value for money, better spare parts backup and better customer service.
Hey, I own a PitPro XR 140cc
Its been great so far and havnt come accross any major problems.
The only things that have gone wrong it bent handlebars (my fault), blown spark plug, had to clean carby out (jets were blocked or something) and yep thats about it.
Also some things that need replacing is the air filter.
Go straight to a uni filter cause the glue that is holding the stock one together just melts and eventually the whole thing falls apart..
I've had her for about 4 months i think :)
buzz bikes have insanely high prices, I'd just order it from DHZ you get a free set of protapers and if you ask ken he'll give you a better price.

I wouldn't go calling the pitpro XR's High End models LOL
Kenda Tires and fastace shock is the only thing the pitpro has that's better than a DHZ, but if you buy a DHZ & add a fastace shock and kenda tires that's still only $1200. I own a 140xr and the fastace shock is crap so I upgraded it. Motorbike city charge ridiculous prices for their spare parts, it turns out way cheaper to buy spares from DHZ and have them shipped to you. Quality control is piss poor on pitpro's mine came with stripped threads all over it. And the XR's use KLX style plastics which is a pain in the ass.

Bottom line is the DHZ is better value for money, better spare parts backup and better customer service.

From all this crap about the PitPro's its making me scared :|
It may be the truth, but im not experiencing all these negatives yet.
I must admit the suspension is hard as a rock.
But I spent about $1000 out of my own pocket on this bike and I will be ******* pissed if it ***** it self on me in the next year or so.
I'm not saying a pitpro will fail every time you ride it like mine did. I'm just saying DHZ is a better bike at a lower price with better quality control and better after sales service.

btw last time I rode the pitpro it didn't break at all, was perfect, I rode it for 4 hours jumping it and even crashed it into a rock pile and when it was time to go home it was just as good as when I got there. But I have replaced most of the parts and spent countless hours working on it to get it to this stage of reliability. But I have a tendancy to break any vehicle I pilot. So what I'm saying is some people with have heaps of problems with a bike and some people will have none, no-matter what brand bike it is.

and mitch see the thread on your shock, just move the lock nuts up the thread to soften the shock
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So many bikes to choose from!

Personally, I would get a the DHZ D-Pro 110cc and put a 140cc engine in it. I done that to my PitPro 110cc and it hammers!
So many bikes to choose from!

Personally, I would get a the DHZ D-Pro 110cc and put a 140cc engine in it. I done that to my PitPro 110cc and it hammers!

why? the 110cc is $960 plus the 140cc motor and thats like $400 so thats about $1300 for it when the 140cc is only $1050?? plus the 140cc has a beter frame and other specs too?
the 110 is way smaller, I think that'd be pretty awsome having the tiny little bike with a big engine, would make a sweet stunter
thanks boys for the info. might have to ring that ken bloke from dhz sounds like.
going this weekend to look at both bikes up against each other. wont buy from buzz bikes, as u say they are through the roof.
gotta make up my mind this week lol all this research is doing my head in.

haha a 110 with a 140 motor would be cool! but i wouldn't be able to ride it as im 6ft id be cramped as on it

leaning towards DHZ and just paying for stuff to be sent down.
does anyone ride DHZ here in melb?
well it can't hurt to ask buzz bikes if they'll give you the DHZ price and some pro tapers.
mention the Ken from DHZ that you're from miniriders, he'll fix you up.
ah ok awesome, thanks dvdrip you helped me out last time too, appreciate it mate. i really don't mind buying the actual bike off the net its more just if i bust something it would be alot easier if i can just go to a local mini shop to pick up bits and pieces rather than have to order em from the net and get them sent down and so on.

where do people shop for their spares here in melbourne? or do you guys just ebay stuff?
motorbike city has some stuff at ok prices so I buy there sometimes, but mostly I buy off ebay cuz it's usually half the price of local shops even after shipping. most pitbike parts are interchangeable so you can get spares anywhere, just choose you price.
in melb Epping motorcycles for most things if you cant wait, or else i go to jack at Just Ride in boxhill (not a shop, pick up on appointment)has pretty much everything you want.

otherwise if you can wait, DHZ are pretty fast in dispatching, usually sends within 2 days. So its not that long of a wait.
DHZ shipping is the fastest ebay shipping ever, If you order something in the morning you'll have it the next afternoon.
I didn't know Just Ride was in box hill I thought they were in NSW, but they're an awsome ebay seller too.
Decision has been made Bike Bought as follows:

DHZ DPRO 160 it has the following motor

Basically have been emailing ken back and forth and got it for a good price with pro tapers delivered to my door in Melbourne, mentioned i was with Miniriders and he also threw in two bottles of Motul engine oil.

thought it was a pretty awesome deal, already transferred the funds should receive it later on this week. Thanks for all the info and reply's guys.

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