High Rev Spluttering...

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nah its ****** it pissing me off!!

it just like trying to ride with a soaked air fiter just goes aklagagagagagaagag

why should it have to be tuned when iv had 1 on before?


somone help im gonna throw it
try adjusting the jet needle. lower the clip to richen it up
i just put a uni,exhaust tip and done the choke mod all in one and all i had to do was drop the clip on the needle to richen it up..
what setup you running?
iv got exhust tip, choke mod and uni...

what clip on the needle :S

mini bikes are wack!

tell me exact what you did coz weve got the same ****
you really need a crf50 service manual to understand it. it's hard to explain
did you seal the choke hole properly?
have you adjusted the air/fuel mixture screw? IN=RICHER OUT=LEANER
just a few suggestions....
ohhhhh ok then.. well give it a go for me anyway??

is the air/fuel screw under the idle screw?

to be honest, im not a real motorhead, i just race hahaha
yes under the idle screw...
warm the engine up before adjusting and adjust in small steps 1/16 to 1/8 of a turn at a time and check after each adjustment to see if it improves
yeah ok.. it makes a tiny difference..

start from all the way in or all the way out?

its a pretty heavy splutter tho... way too lean i can hear it..

i just wanna ride!
start from 1 and a half turns out from the screw being screwed all the way in
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i tryed all the tuning, nothing happened at all really

looks like ill just take it into the shop or fluke it..

what else could be wrong with it?
iv washed the carby out like 3 times, tryed different pluggs.. **** i dno.

any ideas?
all good boys! :)

fixed it,

it turned out to be the earth.... it wasent screwed in and didnt have enough contact to spark properly!

sorry to evryone for being a sook and crakin the shiits
ok, its still not as good as it was..

its alot better tho. could it be dirt in the rev box or anything?

ohh and how do i clean out me jets?
coz ill do evrything! all at once and see how we go, ill look at all the wires again and stuff...

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