how much do u guys weigh

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this site is a bad influence, i could b out loosing weight but instead im on hear making threads about it. lol
go for a jog!!get off the damn forum and take ur dog for a run, lol. or we can just get franky to just keep calling u fat until you decide to shutdown the computer and go for a jog, jks LOL.
nobody is even on the forum between like 12 - 5 cos we are all out riding or playing sports or hobbies, chilling with friends etc. if i spent all day on a minibike forum i would have to call mi self a lonely nerd..
hell yeh =P go the big blokes haha =D
i weight a gooood 75kg probbly 80 now haha

my 50 drags me along nicely =D
I weigh 71kgs now and drop to about 65 kilos without doing weights.

I used to spend 10 hours a week in the gym (before my shoulder operation, wife and kids) and got up to 84kg. I used to eat about 12 eggs and drink 2 liters of milk a day and over $200 bucks a month on weight gain powders. I also ate that much food it wasnt funny and had to take about 3 dumps a day to clear the backlog.
go for a jog!!get off the damn forum and take ur dog for a run, lol. or we can just get franky to just keep calling u fat until you decide to shutdown the computer and go for a jog, jks LOL.
nobody is even on the forum between like 12 - 5 cos we are all out riding or playing sports or hobbies, chilling with friends etc. if i spent all day on a minibike forum i would have to call mi self a lonely nerd..

pascal ur on msn like 24/7....
im only on here an hour a day, usualy like 5:30- 6. im at school all day! by the way getting my mso 140s in 15 days

all this and here i was thinking im a lil fella

me had a six pac but went FUC dat i'll go a carton instead

92 kg's on a good day 96 on a bad
5ft 9 inch and my height i dont know as i havent measured that yet

here's a pic of fatass

sweet pic! looks like the bikes pulling ya round pretty well! sweet bike 2 by the way
yea they do
thats the young bloke's bike
we got 2 of those
and a agb29 and a 05 thumpstar
here's a pic of the zacass getting hang time for the first time


and when he lands

pascal ur on msn like 24/7....

lol, mi computer is on about 10 hours a day, im on maybe 1 or 2 and then half the time i have hw that i use the computer 2day, i was "online" all day but went to the pool and just got back 20 mins ago....

Depending on your height and **** man, if your a tall prick you can be like 70 kg's and be a rake lol.
im 70-75kg...and going up! but luckily im skinny and the weight gane is muscle (been getting in for free at the local gym ;) gotta love it) im also just over 6foot. I lost my fat back in the day when i got really sick for a week amd didnt eat anything lol...i lost hepas of weight and never gained it back :D
i dont really need to do anything now to keep my weight off...i can eat whatever i want and nothing happens! lol
I do go for a run every night with my dog now but thats for fitness!
65, eichkay do they pre set the forks ect according to your weight/bike setup?
thanks for all the responses, i wasent expecting this much. by the way, how much does a set of protaper bars cost? and are they hard to put on

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