How To Change Your Handlebars :)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2007
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Hey fellow MR Members, This was requested by Foolsp33d when he found out that I got new Protaper SE XR50 bend bars .. So here it is, a guide on how to change your handlebars ^^

What you will need :
6mm Allen Key Socket
8mm Socket
Phillips Head Screwdriver
A dirtbike
New Bars [ Would recommend getting a set of Protaper SE XR50 Bend bars. Around $90.00 at your local Motorbike shop, If you pay more than $90.00AUD, Your getting ripped off ]

Before :

Step one : Get a Ratchet, and an 8mm socket. Attach the 8mm socket to the ratchet then start the removal of the bolts on the Clutch lever, like so. Also do the same to the Front Brake lever on the right side of your handlebars.

Removal of the Bolts.


Bolts removed.

Step Two : Once you have removed the bolts from the clutch lever and the Front brake lever, on the right side of your handlebars, There are two screws holding in place your throttle. Get your Phillips head screwdriver and remove one screw and then loosen the other screw and the throttle should be able to slide right off.

Removal of Screws holding the Throttle.

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Step Three : On the left side of your bars, There is a plastic thing which is called the "Killswitch". There is once again two screws holding it in place, get your phillipshead screwdriver and remove the screws. Becareful and dont loose any of the screws or the bracket that holds it on the bars.

Removal of Screws on the Killswitch.


Step Four : Now its time to take the triple clamp off. Either get a 6mm allen key, or a ratchet and a 6mm Allen key socket. On each bolt, loosen them all evenly so the metal doesnt crack/snap. Once all four bolts are taken out, your old bars are set free!

Using an 6mm Allen Key to Remove the Bolts from the Triple clamp.


Well Done! You have now completely stripped your bars except for the handgrip on the left side, removal of this is easy. All you will need to do is pull it off basically.
If you have changed your grips to good quality grips, you will need to get a screwdriver and try and ply it off by levering the screwdriver around the grip.

Now get your new bars and put them in whatever position feels comfortable for you then put the triple clamp back on. Like earlier, apply even pressure around the triple clamp from each bolt so the clamp doesnt snap or crack. Make sure in the end all bolts on the triple clamp are very tight. Now your basically set to go, reverse the steps you took to take everything off, instead put it all back on now!

Protaper Bars ^^



Spray hair spray into the grip, it will slide it on but dry and keep it firm. DO NOT USE OIL or any type of lubricant!!

Foolsp33d sayz: Compressed air also works, and wont leave the grips spinning for 24hr as hairspray will :cool:

Good Luck!
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there $90 or around that price and yes the would most liky fit
they fit a orion anyways
Does anyone know how to change the normal throttle like in the picture to a billet joker throttle?
Easiest way is to buy a new throttle cable. There no more then $10 (Throttle/clutch are universal and will both work). You also need a soldering iron, and a thin flat file or hack saw.

You will need to partially assemble the throttle and find out how long the cable will need to be. Then file or cut half way down the metal cylinder fitting that comes with cable from one of the holes. This will allow you to get allot of solder between the cables and metal round thing so it’s nice and strong.

Cut the cable and cable housing to size, and then solder the round thing on (make sure you have the cable in its housesing [tube]). It should fit into the throttle tube with a tiny bit of slack. The cable will stretch a little over time but you should have adjustable nuts on the assay that will allow you to fine tune the tension.

When that’s done, take the cap off your carby and pull out the slide and remove the cable (don’t loose the spring) and insert the new one the same way, then reassemble. You will need to adjust the idle screw on your carb which should be the one closest to the centre of the slide compartment.

Dude just take it into a shop and get it done, it’s like $20 with the cable, will save you allot of hassle :)
just thought i would add if your grips are stuck on tight instead of using a screw driver and potentially wrecking the grips you can pour hot water over the grip and then it will slide straight off. I normally just boil the kettle and pour it over (not over grass tho or it will kill it)
does anyone know what bars would fit a pw50? I want a higher set up.
you done a real good job on that how to Benox!

Real Helpful :D
hey people just letting you know if you want more height so you don't kill your knees( i'm 6'2) i put on a good set of bmx bars.

it lifted the grips up about 4 inches and now feels just like a bmx to ride and my knees are safe now
You will find that putting your bike out in the sun will dry your grips a lot quicker. I have also heard of putting a hole in the side of the grip to let it air will also help.

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