how to dirft if u dont no

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Using brake to drift? You just go into the corner fast and rev it more and slide out, clutchs and braking is for ****** Dabomb will agree with me! :D
Damit this is a question to ask your mates. Just like i use to make **** treads like this and only realsied recently how annoying and friggin gay it is.

crazy ur a good bloke (i presume) but don't insult to many people on the forum
CLutCh tHE the biKE whiLLe holding the front brake and rOoLing very slowly and smoke the street gutter to gutter f*$K DrIFtINg YOU waNt SMOKe
CLutCh tHE the biKE whiLLe holding the front brake and rOoLing very slowly and smoke the street gutter to gutter f*$K DrIFtINg YOU waNt SMOKe
If i wanted smoke id chase the monkey!

you all know Ryan Dunn?(from Bam/******* etc.) now a professional Drfit car driver.. no more antic movies for Mr Dunn!

Look at that 8lack boy pedal! thats impressive!! HAS to be a wet surface!! takes him days to ride to the local shops though, he just goes around n around n around...

this is cool..
Oh for sure!!!!! Ouch.. can feel the pain in my thighs!
you dont really need clutch for drifting, if u know what you are doin just turn round a corner at half throttle and then pull it down all the way n kick the bike out a bit and there you go.= drift acomplished
a quater turn throttle helps heaps... just a quik jab on the throttle whil turning and the whol bike slides out, be carefull not to hold it to log or you'll just do a 180 lols
its all about setting the bike up for it too, counter steer into the corner and hit the gas as the back end comes around... put a boot down and dont over do it ;)

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