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bmxers-not gay

110 semi auto-gay
125,138 etc-not gay
In response to cops being gay.

You could say ambo's aren't gay either... They constantly see gruesome scenes that most people wouldn't be able to stomach and they save lives when they can.

They are definitely NOT gay IMO.
Pokemon = Gay
Transformers = Gay
China 125= Gay
Benox = Myne
Me = Gay.. LOL
Thats because I was no where near you last night...
haha thanks BenoX...

You don't seem to bad yourself and if i had it my way i probably wouldn't be living in NSW either i'd be living somewhere that was land was cheap but not crap so i could make an awesomeness 50s track.
bump ill bring it back with
mxb gay
foxico gay
orion not as gay
motovert not gay
your orion is basically an mxb with a ducar.