How to Repack an Exhaust

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Hey nice tut i might do it. With the taking out of the rivets, drilling them gets rid of them and makes a slightly lager hole right? So i need bigger rivets yes?
TOP JOB! I tried to take my spare exhaust apart today and had no idea on what to do, so tomorrow I'll be a lot more confident in what I'm doing. =)

BTW- LMFAO Home Brand scourers hahahahahaha, bah. if it works, use it! =P
you can buy 4 stroke muffler packing from "ballards" for like $12 the lot. the real stuff...

oi but a top thread! good work you have probs helped loads of people!
jsut did me 32mm big bore zorst from DHZ for me Motovert RX today.
didnt notice a drop in power but didnt notice much of a decibel drop either.
used 6 scourers, i fed them around in a circle around the center pipe and pushed them down with a large screw driver.

at work yesterday i got some fine mesh and played around with placing it in the muffler before the spark arrestor cone so it couldn't come out with the exhaust gasses, also jammed some stainless wool down there too,
seemed to quieten it a little bit not as much i hoped.
its still probably not under the legal limit yet, will play around with some configurations of the mesh in the muffler.
Exhaust repacking

These are really interesting conversation regarding repacking an exhaust
I tried some SS steel wool we had in the work shop. The spark arrestor didnt really work too well as there were flames soaring out the pipe. It took a minute to realise I used the old Steel Wool from the meths wipe down area. Made good viewing though. I almost **** :eek:... lol

The Large SS Steel Wool like in the pickie works a treat ... Mate Cheers saved myself a few coin.
I tried some SS steel wool we had in the work shop. The spark arrestor didnt really work too well as there were flames soaring out the pipe. It took a minute to realise I used the old Steel Wool from the meths wipe down area. Made good viewing though. I almost **** :eek:... lol

The Large SS Steel Wool like in the pickie works a treat ... Mate Cheers saved myself a few coin.

thats funny as!
i repacked my brothers pit pro 125rr , who ever owns one will know they r **** house loud.. or just myn lol.
but yeh i rang the local muffler bloke.. he said he uses pink bats.. the stuff u use to insulte ur walls... i absolutely packed it in. and it did **** all lol.. so had to buy one of those silencer inserts.. better idea i think.

has it worked significantly for any one else? or u all like me?
yeah good job on exhaust re-packing but can any1 tell me if taking the exhaust tip off my 150lifan will do any damage coz its already off and man it sounds so good but i dont wona stuff my engine so any help would be great. cheers. does any1 ride in the watagans area and wont to meet up next week end 4 a ride pm me
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yeah did mine the other week its sweet!!! when it idles i can hear myself think =P haha kudos to you firsttimer!!!
my muffler shat itself today so I'm try this on the weekend, cheers for the guide
okay my muffle started 2 sound like crap so i went to repak it, i drilled the rivets out, pulled the end cap off and found this Here are some more pics....

I pulled the end cap offf like the guide said, but there is that thing in pic 1 stoppong it??? Also any 1 know what that cone thing is in pic 1??? maybe i pulled the wrong side off???

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