I stuffed it....

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Go Go Gadget Moderator
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
Cantberra, AUS
Ok, story goes, when cleaning out the carby jets the other night I was putting the main jet back in, when i managed to over tighten it and snap it off inside the housing...... Sooo just wondering if anyone has any idea where i might be able to get a new housing, or do they have a broken caby they want to get rid off?? It's a OKO 26. I was gonna try the "easy out" but i'm worried even using the smallest one i can find, i'm gonna scratch the housing which also contains holes, which in turn (i'm sure) will stuff the carby. i had a secondary one sitting there for my wifes bike so I have stolen the housing out of that one so i'm set for the moment but I would like to get the other carby back together again.
A jet is pretty soft, hence why they snap so easily, so if you're careful with an ez-out (start hole with tiny punch, or a nail, then screw in perfectly straight) you should be able to get it without having to resort to a new carby...

Try a really small left-handed drill bit, if you really think the hole is too small, punch to start, then drill slowly and it might turn it out for you.
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