I want 2 upgrade a 125 Atomik 2 1 wid a bigger seat hight which pit bike sould i get?

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its amazing how many threads come though here saying they want a new bike, for half the price a normal china would cost.. look though some other threads ,there's more then i can poke a stick at..:D
save a bit more for some qaulity man trust mee.
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define hard????

as dhz140cc said save up and get a half decent bike like a pitpro or DHZ but you could get a crf50 stocker for the amount of a brand new pitpro or DHZ.

ducar aren't all that great. zongshen isn't that great either... its pretty much out of GPX/YX and lifan engines in chinas.
Prefferebly 1 with a Ducar engine and either a 125cc with bigger seat hight or a 140cc
and gonna spend about $600 NEW.
For the price you wanna spend, just buy a monster (midsize) frame from DHZ or something similar, then transfer all your ancillaries over from your Atomik... And do yourself a favour, buy something with a lifan... you wont look back...
For $600, shop smart, and you might be able to find a 140 lifan motor and a frame of bigger dimensions than what you already have...

Mind you, if you do all that, you may have to change your username to "DHZ-ryder-fo'-lyf"...
ba ha ha ha. ;)
Do i dare ashamedly admit i have three atomiks, all over a year old, all running as good or better than new after modifying them???
Nooo, i dare not...
That might make people think it's maintenance that keeps bikes running, and not a pricetag or brandname...
Ba ha ha ha!
ssh, dont tell anyone though... :p
bulldog no affence or anything but me mate has a pitpro wid a linfan and is sucks campared to my atomik and also all these engines GPX/YX and lifan arnt great either (if u look up Ducar engines youll find that they are made in the same factory as the Honda engines so they gotta b good actually they are great)
lol, ahh kids.. anyonecan go fast.. it comes down to how you use your power and speed that becomes important. Have you done any research onto the larger frames as suggested? If your head strong on a ducar go for it but like the boys have said.. there is better china motors out there ;) Dont believe EVERYTHING you read on the internet.. its not always right as much as we wish it was.
^^ yeah im pretty sure its been covered 100 times previously... just sometimes ppl have their minds set.. hey if its what he wnts to believe.. so be it :)
ive got a ducar motor a bought off a mate for 20buks haah just to use the bolts etc, i stripped it all down,split the cases and yeah there built so bad the oil pump gear is plastics like WTF! haha and 2nd or 3rd gear was stripped coz hes chain came off and jamed.
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yeh Im doubting they are made in the same factory as Honda.
If it was true, I would bet you anything that that would be their main advertisement on their website or whatever. Haha

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