Well-Known Member
welll there's 2 good copys out there that I know of....
good bikes but the sellers are wanks.... one seller wants to charge twice what the bikes worth, it's still way cheaper than a crf tho lol..... the other seller is selling the same bike at the RIGHT price but he's a complete an total ****** and goes around trying to sue all the competition.....
so I won't link them hehe
otherwise there's the pitster x2r... good bike but I just don't like that swingarm on a crf copy
and there's a rumour that revMX wants to import a crf copy ... which will no doubt be awsome and very affordable
the atomik 50 is rubbish I wouldn't buy one... but if the 70 would probly be ok for a lil kid and a wheelie or 2 for you
hmmmmm shitmax????