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ok words suck man.. lol. PICTURES.. search and post, otherwise im guna keep doin em and guessing! you said a 250$ bike! so i FOUND a 200 bike.. 50$ for foot pegs lol..

MiniVan(to keep with the minibike!):


Mudbrick home:

Family mover:

oh if you hadnt realised cass.. im bein funny.... just food for thought
i would live in a cabin like this


drive in this

and ride this fiddy
what happens when it rains? turn back to mud...lmao! jks lol.
are they your jumps at the back of your home cass38a?
gunna be a nice home when your finished to.
hope the roof is finished on the right hand side of the pic....lol
if it's made of adobe witch it might be there is grass and clay in there jut incase of a rain storm.. I studied it in like 3rd grade when we were talking about the anasazi indians
Looks nice Cass! thats a pretty sweet home! looks like a decent size block to!

Noodles.. whats with the 200sx pic? Vitrual car design!??

I'd like a few of these to play dodgem cars in...


No the roof dosent leak the photo was taken about May last year and we have done a lot since then. It should only take another 10 years or so to finish. The jumps are not there anymore (what a bummer) but ther is a little one around the back. Piccolo was talking about building a little track a table top in my back yard but the wife will **** if i did that. I have a little bit less than one acre and have plenty of room to ride right around the house if i feel the need to practice monos and stuff (I really need the practice as I cant ride for ****)
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It should only take another 10 years or so to finish.
Good things take time mate! how far through completeion is it now? painted?driveway done? garden?

Piccolo was talking about building a little track a table top in my back yard but the wife will **** if i did that.
so it IS a decent block eh.. Just make a nice garden for her(maybe a desert theme) put in a (pond) river crossing(although it will be dry) some 'dunes'(jumps) few little palm treez or a cactis or four(checkpoints)

Here is wat it looks like right now, if you look carefully you can see my burnout pad in the middle of the driveway. (i just took a pic as the one above is the most recent I had).
I am working on the bathroom today as I would like to be able to shower inside this winter as its very cold in Mudgee (we are using a toilet, shower etc in the outside laundry at the moment).

To finish I need to finish the bathroom, tile the floors thruout the house (I have bare concrete now but it is a heated slab so its not cold). Put in all the internal doors and door jambs. Build a pergola over the verandah. Paint eaves and downpipes. Finish the Kitchen (nearly done). Buid a linnen cupboard. Curtains on windows. Build a new Garage. Do some landscaping. About 7 million other little things.

Heres the Kitchen
and here is something that sucked up $1100 that should have been spent on the house.

I stared the bathroom in May last year hoping to have it finished for last winter so my wife hopes this is not another false start.
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cass38a The house is looking good !.Your a Lucky devil having the play yard as well!!!

My wife has put me on notice this year No more Gunnas for me now [Gunna do this & Gunna do that !!] DAMN ... We have a few Rental properties and by the time we Renovated .Repaired and re-built those I am too shagged to work on our own house...

Just wanna Play now LMAO !!!
Your house will always be there. Fun times with the kids, friends, BBQ's, hobbies, etc. take priority. Work on it when you have nothing better to do. Thats my opinion and I am sticking with it.
nicely done Cass! how much of the work have you done yourself?!? (as a house painter suggestion would be Vanilla Bean for the eves, and down pipe red for downpipes(unless you decide to go colour bond)..
where will the Range Hood exit!?? or is that yet to be completed?? The tiles on the kitchen look good..
the sink is an island style??
lastly.. how does the twister go? is a two seater by the looks of it?? I used to have an old Honda Odessey Fl250.. Bastard of a thing! lol but buggys are great fun!
Foolspeed33 ..Run some square Stainless cladding up thru the ceiling and vent outside for the rangehood in the kitchen and I reckon go exterior with the Mid biscuit/Sienna color sceheme LOL .
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I designed the house, demolished the old one (looked a bit like the one you said you wanted to live in, it was made out of round timbers with bark still on them and was over 100 years old), laboured for plumber and eletrician, did the plumbing rough in, laboured for the brickie, installed all windows and doors, errected the steel trusses (with the help of a couple of mates), did the facias and eaves. Essentially I did everything except the concrete slab, bricklaying, and the tin on the roof (i would have done the tin myself but you need too many helpers).

The kitchen is not finished and the rangehood hasent been installed (it is better off in place than sitting around on the floor somewhere) but will go thru the celing one day. The other side of the kitchen is shown (it is finished now). My wife is pretty happy you liked the tiles as she chose them (I wanted different ones and did a deal where I will never clean them) and made up the random pattern (this takes longer than you would think).

Your thread is stuffed now as it has become the mudbrick capital, sorry about that.
The buggy is a 150cc i bought a month or so ago for my daughter, I have only taken it out once (last saturday) and it goes pretty good. About 45ks flat out which is fast enough for us. She has a high school kid who comes around very wednsday afternoon to help her and he hoots around our house for a half hour or so with her. She loves it check out the link.
I designed the house, demolished the old one (looked a bit like the one you said you wanted to live in, it was made out of round timbers with bark still on them and was over 100 years old)

-Not me.. I put up the Flinstone house lol. (maybe noodles'?)

The kitchen is not finished and the rangehood hasent been installed (it is better off in place than sitting around on the floor somewhere)

-Agreed. kicked, scratched, bent n buckled.. dont really suit the 'new home' lol

The other side of the kitchen is shown (it is finished now). My wife is pretty happy you liked the tiles as she chose them (I wanted different ones and did a deal where I will never clean them) and made up the random pattern (this takes longer than you would think).

-Having also helped out a few tillers its a right *itch trying to get 'random' happening!! slate is a similar PITA! I put it up there with trying to paint suede on a feature wall for the first time.. becomes very 'rhymic' n the effect just isnt there..live n learn!

Your thread is stuffed now as it has become the mudbrick capital, sorry about that.

-Lmao, guess it happens mate, least its a worthy Hijack! lol.

this is cool...looks like they have cleared the walls! they are shiney!?

as is this:

And this...kinda..

and to be totally random, i took this of a post box in Blyth street Brunswick..

Photobucket must HATE me. LMAO.
This thread is for DREAMING.. lmao.. bloody chit chatters:p