I'm shattered

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I can't find the delete button anyway, hahaha

Look, Im old and miserable, the mini bike gave me life, I got secretly "hurt' about the rep thing. Guess I dont understand how to behave in this forum world.

I do apologise, sincerely. I will try not act the clown from now on.

Phill it's very easy to point the finger over the Internet and stay hidden, and a lot of blokes here feel comfortable in opening up here and sharing personal information that that wouldn't normally feel comfortable doing, some time we all need a little reality check and I think you've just had yours,

Don't bum yourself out mate were here to help not put people down, live n learn. Your an MR member, lets all move on and do what we're all here to do and talk mini bikes and help people less knowledgable than ourselves enjoy Minibikes!
I agree with everything you said Stubsy. If you guys see the same questions being asked double click the thread so you dont have to read it, thats what i do. Stubsy your not ranting i feel strongly about this forum and the people in it also mate.
I use tapatalk so wouldn't even see rep points etc.... At the end of the day it doesn't matter really, long time members and even new members show the respect to you that you deserve.

in the 15yrs or so I've been online, user/moderator/irc host/admin/pleb etc etc i may have developed a thick skin though.
Phill it's very easy to point the finger over the Internet and stay hidden, and a lot of blokes here feel comfortable in opening up here and sharing personal information that that wouldn't normally feel comfortable doing, some time we all need a little reality check and I think you've just had yours,

Don't bum yourself out mate were here to help not put people down, live n learn. Your an MR member, lets all move on and do what we're all here to do and talk mini bikes and help people less knowledgable than ourselves enjoy Minibikes!

Spoton Cordogs alot of people have opened up on this forum and shared their personal troubles because they feel that they will be heard not made a joke of. And the smart ass remarks might amuse you but do you Phil think people that are going through a rough part of their life or going through a lose of a loved one a joke? You may have your life sorted out Phil but there are alot of people out there in a world of pain and need some help to get their lives back on track. Most of these people have had dramas in their lives that are out of their control and have had trouble dealing with it. Some of these people turn to drugs and/or brooze i did both for 20 years thats why i want people to open up if they have a drama in their life they are having trouble dealing with then bottling it up like i did for 20 years. If i can help one person not to make the mistake i did its worth it. I feel very strong on this subject Phil so i think like Cordogs said we all need a little reality check sometimes and i think you have had yours Phil.
And Phil if you think it was me that gave you neg rep your wrong i to would of put my name with it.
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10:21 PM needapitty has lost -561 Points for threads points
10:21 PM needapitty has lost -2247 Points for User points
10:21 PM needapitty has lost -1501 Points for Posts points

i got smashed:lol:
haha joshy, add the points up and it equals your points you have, it just comes up like that but you dont loose the points bro.
And whats with this slow rex avatar, you got a boxer now mate??
Hey phil i got neg rep on this thread"rear brake question" so dont worry mate. It even happens to the best lol.
hahahaha, we were out tonite in a mates ve ss and ummm yeah, we need to be careful also.
haha, whining like a jailhouse hooker.
That's what my mum says Joshy.
Just a quick note to everyone, something i learnt a long time ago and it is still very appropriate to this day (I kind of work in retail) 1 good deed = 1 good freind/customer, 1 bad deed = 10 enemys/non customers this tends to work in all parts of life as humans only tend to remeber the bad things and quickly forget the good :)
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