is it possible?

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Yeah, it pulls the little 195 motor better with a 24 on the back, 18 front. 20 rear and 19 front was just for the big motor, and we killed that one.

Math, is all.
16/32 gearing, 2=1
13/39 gearing, 3=1
ill take a picture of the rear and front sprockets and by looking at it since some of you guys are like experts with this stuff you can let me know if everything seems to be right because i ride recreational not track
ok i counted my back sprocket it has 38 teeth give or take if i counted correctly, i looked at my front sprocket which seems like half the size but couldnt count exaclty because i would have to take the engine cover off which i dont wanna do
You should still be able to count the front mate with the chain on.
You can take that cover off champ, all it does is protect your flywheel grab a 8mm socket or spanner and get to it! You cant break anything its all safe to take it off.

I would say get a 16/17T front if your motor has enough torque to cope with it. Still need some torque for recreational riding...
ok i know for a fact that the rear sprock has 38 teeth, ill look at the front sprocket and get back to you guys