Is this bike any good please halp

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yep not real good for trail riding

you want at least a 140 but a 160/155 would be the best

if ya after the cheapest but best for the price go a nitrous 160 off ebay
thanks guys i already have a kx85 big bike so this is just for some jumps maybe some street stunting
No mate in my opinion it's not worth it ... you are just buying trouble.

That bike is made up of cheap parts that have'nt been run by quality dealers for years ... and he's lying about the suspension for a start ... they are conventional forks not inverted and the " pro link " is just his wanky term for " shock has no adjustment and is bottom of the barrell, you'll blow it first time out ".

If ya buy that cheap bit of junk you'll need to upgrade the suspension at some point ... that'll be a grand or more ... then motor etc etc etc ... crew on here have spent 2g or more trying to bring a cheap bike up to scratch do yaself a favour and save the extra for a DHZ .
thanks guys i already have a kx85 big bike so this is just for some jumps maybe some street stunting

ok thats alot different to saying you want it for some trail riding...

but still its no good, as dready just posted its a pile of sht...

you get what you pay for so raise your budget and buy something that doesnt need so much spent on it make it usable for your riding style
lol as soon as i seen the top banner on the site of a ktm with buckets i didnt even wait for it to loadl! A good pitbike brand is gonna have pics of there pitbikes as advertisments not some guy doing dune jumps on a kato!
i think it wil be fine for mucking around on as long as i can ride on roads without braking ahah thanks guys
ok you keep saying "riding on roads"

dont be a fukn toss and make it worse for every other pit bike owner... its bad enough as it is
my god why cant people get the bloody hint

DONT BUY IT, IT IS ****!!!!!

save your dollar and get something better its not really that hard and you will thank youself at the end of day.... listen to the people on this forum they know what there talking about!
wha bikes tho i want it pick up around sydney under 7 hundread

Sorry mate, I think you're misunderstanding what we are telling you .... it doesn't matter what YOU want for 700 .... we are telling you all you can get is sh@t.

So buy that piece of junk or save for something decent ... ie a bike that costs more than than a helmet .... it's up to you champ but no matter how many times you ask the answer will be the same .

Why ask if you've already made up ya mind ?
i think it wil be fine for mucking around on as long as i can ride on roads without braking ahah thanks guys

Then why ask what we think lol?

If your going cheap get a Nitrous. But sounds like you only need to save a little bit more to get a DHZ for about 1k. Would be a lot wiser to save for one of them!
yeah sweet as i only have 200 saved with no job makling 10 bucks a week dfor cleaning my pool abd that and dont want to pay too much already got a good bike
how much could i get a good second bike etc 140 crf 50 anyone selling cheap one around sydney

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