Is this oil ok to "Run In" my Orion 125cc?

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yer it should be fine just make sure you check it regualy so it dont go too black
semi senthethic is all good although like has been stated in previous posts in can pay to use mineral based whil running engine
Hey Guys

I'm all new to this I've gott one of theses bikes on the way. Its just gonna be used for fun proply no jumpin just riding in close by bush. Anyway When I get it Im gonna drop the oil out of it that comes with it cause I have read the oil that comes with em is shocking. I'll proply just go to supercheap and get some motorbike oil and chain grease can anyone recommend any cheap good brand of oil?
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firstly Hi to All (newbie)
My line of thinking with mini's and oil goes like this...i'd be using a high quality oil even if you had to pay a few more bucks for it, cause lets face it they dont take much to fiil up and the difference between good oil and bad oil can mean your engine may only last half as long.:rolleyes:
Run in on mineral based (what they come with) then change to semi synthetic or synthetic.

Ideally you should run it for 10 mins with the factor oil, then change it. You will see all the loose bits of castings and metal fragments come out. Also, change your oil when its warm/hot (as hot as your container can take) it will take 1/2 the time and be alot more effective.
cool When I get it I'll run it idle for 10mins with the crap oil its shipped with then I'll change it with some fresh stuff. Then after I run 3 tanks of fuel I'll replace with semi synthetic does that sound fine to u guys?
id say to run it in hard for the first 10 mins then change the oil... the run in period should only take one tank... basically on the throttle hard through all gears and then go down gears... and continue doing this throught the whole time, giving brakes every 30 mins
I only run mineral oil,MOTOL 10/40 or honda 4.These cluthes are only designed to run mineral oil's.You will find you will get clutch slip with synthetic oil's.
id say to run it in hard for the first 10 mins then change the oil... the run in period should only take one tank... basically on the throttle hard through all gears and then go down gears... and continue doing this throught the whole time, giving brakes every 30 mins

I agree to running it hard. Running it hard does not mean hitting max revs though. Its accelerating hard and loading the engine through the range.

And, I think crazzy #1 meant breaks, not brakes. Got me thinking keeping away from using the brakes on 30 minute intervals, lol..

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