yeh man, if ya got the cahs get the mso!
or the aomik nitrous, like a cheaper version of the Pitpro.
where u live, cos when i went on the minibike website with the atomik it was .com, r u in like us or just a .com website?
foxico's are pieces of **** though its sad to see that there are people out there who have the nerve to sell such a piece of **** ,i feel nervous looking at them let alone riding one.People need to relise that foxico's look and are complete and uder ****,paying $400 for a dirt bike is stupid ,u cant even buy a good pushy for that.People will hate the sport of minibike riding and motorbike riding all together from there experience with a foxico
lol, twon got banned. ****, unit mx, u got a few bikes there.. how big is the yz85large wheel cos i was lookin, the 2 stroke 125's are way oo big 4 me, so i may get an 85 and wait a few years before a 125 2 stroke.
****, how did ya x6r get stolen?
Nah its not too big for you, Im only about 5ft 7 and can ride a big bike easy, if you can put your feet flat on the ground on a big bike then its too small for you.
It just looks too big because its very different from a mini.