IS this worth 950?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
Adelaide, Melrose park
It's got a Lifan 125cc 4 stroke and $950 is the price.


Personaly i think this is highway robbery. Totaly not worth it.
i've seen this bike in person up close. it is **** i dont know much about the frames but honestly i feet the orion frame is even better then it. and its much smaller then my orion, think its got smaller wheels. only good thing is the lifan engien
if only u were about 5 months earlier on the Q, i was selling mine for 650, it seemed better than that
in pic thats a very simular frame to the orion but the rear swing arm is better plus the engine is better than the orion bikes.
hay RD that bike is abasalutly nothing like an orion frame. well at least nothing like my frame
Different setup on those bikes, the first bike probably has a better setup, i have a chinese one like the green one, and it hurts to jump it, they are all over the place. But still fast and good bikes.
Hi Robbie, i'm not sure why you would even consider spending $899 on that :eek: If thats your budget you should get an MSO. Mine kicks arse :D
For a cheapie I must agree I have gave my MSO branded bike a caining week after week and can't fault it as yet. I only got this bike before I get a 07' Motovert Pro in the coming months and didn't expect it to last this long. Only thing I've changed is the handlebars with some Pro Taper bars. I opted for the alloy version as opposed to the chro-mo version most of the guys on here have.

Here's a photo

They can have the bike shipped directly to you which shouldn't be a concern, nearly everything is sold over the internet these days, the only reason you would be concerned is that you don't have the money and you're talking ****. :D

Robbie said:
It's got a Lifan 125cc 4 stroke and $950 is the price.


Personaly i think this is highway robbery. Totaly not worth it.

This bike is another BSE made bike same as MSO . Mojo motocycles sells BSE built bikes too... in fact don't kid yourselves any longer about name brand bikes as many of them are made up from the BSE range. A lot of your aftermarket parts and billet extras being sold by these dealers and also ebay are coming from there also. They're all pretty good quality bikes and a bargain for $1000. The one above just looks a bit funny cause its got 10" x 10" wheels and also an older model. These guys are one of the better mid range bike builders and the importers know it. They just option them up or down to suit and then put their own stickers on.

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