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crazzy #1

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
sydney, australia
these guys dont give enough info there are two types of sway bars if the bike is set up with the wrong shocky its very sloppy and bottoms out just by sitting on the bike
how much longer untill you get your bike? my missus said she would let u ride her chinese 125cc but she dont know if u can ride lol i sent u a PM the other day?
gazza2003au, just got back from a masive 5 hour ride in the bush, it is now possible to get over the hill at exiter ( 5:30 pm 20/11/05 )

i had to finish so early bloody gear leaver on that guys 125, but we are going again with my sis boyfriend his mate and me but this time we wont have to double up cuz my sis boyfriends mate is bringing his xr100

i wouldnt want to ride it because most proberly something will happen (im not one of those ppl with good luck)

when we make a date ill pm you and hopfully u can come out? pain in the ass getting across one of the creak bits just as you get in from xiter st, but because im gaim i lunched the 80 over a 30 - 60 cm ditch and i almost hit a tree as i was going up it was pretty narrow, next time ill be more eager to get wet :twisted:

its good Sh!t but im buggered :?

still will be a while till i get the thump copy i dont get money ass i dont work and im trying to sell things, and no one will buy it and let me pay it off :

ill c what the oldies think, you might get away with leaving ur vehical hear, because it could get stolen, but my parents are not to happy about ppl they coming hear that they do not know :roll:

you got msn or something:?: if you do can you pm me your addy :?:
5 hour ride u must have been riding in circles? :lol: give me a buzz when ur going out there next i will see if we can make it and dont worry about my car to many people know me
why dont u go see if anyone needs a hand on the chicken farms? its good $ your area is floody with chicken farms
Carby Sizes & Rear Shock

First of all i own both of these..

The Carby is a PZ19 Peice of ***** stock carby. IS NOT A 25MM MIKUNI.
The way to tell them apart is:
The PZ19's are round at the base.
The Mikuni's are Square at the base.
If you cant tell off that just measure the petrol side of the carby.
DO NOT measure the airfilter side.

The Rear Shock
The rear shock is mad. Has Rebound adjust, Nitrogen Resivour and Preloader.

[email protected]
hmm no point looking at them, had to sell my bike cuz i couldnt pay my sis bf back intime :(

ohh well saving for another one

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