It Has begun(New track)

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ohh im just gettin forks,engine, front brake levers
if ur given em away ill take em i never know when my bike is gunna brake (usually every ride) lol

I know that, you dont have to rub it in. :rolleyes:

Just wait untill you break the new one, and you cant afford another one, then you're screwed.

And remember when you said broken engines are from bad riding?? Well I guess you're a bad rider then, you broke yours.
Ok, sounds good, I have a job allready, $20 an hour woo. :)

Good luck.
lol... flarry stop big noting yourself too whatever reece say's it doesnt matter what reece has or gets you think your 1 bit better, just cut with it you make me sick.
lol... flarry stop big noting yourself too whatever reece say's it doesnt matter what reece has or gets you think your 1 bit better, just cut with it you make me sick.

No I dont, ducar.r.spec is my friend. :p
mhm.. the sounds of it your great friends... just whind it down a lil.
ok seeing as this is a post about my track and the way she gunna turn out

zacass and i rode it on saterday
we had to change a few jumps as they were a little step on the up sloap

so i lengthen a lil

the second jump on the down straight is way bad i jumped it first
made it no problem but she shoots the front down so i endowed the landing
went back with the shovel and worked it some more

tryed again and nearly killed me self lol
almost over the hangers that time

so the second jump is out of action for a bit till i work out my problem

as for the zacass he's jumpin every thin includein the second death jump lol

got some fotage of it but the freakin cam is playin up thin the battry was flat (doh)

anyway we had rain last night so gunna go over arfter work try to get some footage (battery is charged) so hopefully tonight there will be a new vid
on the track with some riders hopefully jumping the death jump

where you at stick
u should drop by some time

was smooth till brauny got to it lol

i need my 4x4 in there to try to push some ruts back in

and yea tables are the go but it was way wet and i wanted something seeing as he turned up

best part about the canyons we got all we got to do now is fill in the middle

Just at oxenford,.....Me and the young fella are KEEN as.....if ya want a hand,give us a yell.
aww thats wicked stick

youll have to drop up next saterday mate me and the zacass will be there
coolies oi

pm me ill give me no.

come up today if ya get time we over there anyways
thats mad lol the death jump.. hehe ill put that jumps name too the test.
hey i am in the bay side area not to far from jacobs well. if you dont mind me asking woudl i be able to come ride some day as lytton is well expensive wihtout the year licence. i know a few peopl with mini's as well that would be keen to come and ride and help dig n ****
sure *****

make it next saterdaY arfter 12 ill be there just pm me and ill let ya no how to get there


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