I've decided, im gonna get a PitPro

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yeh, i've decided, mso pro is the way 2 go 4 me, good price, nic suspension for bumps and jumps, and hopefully a long lasting engine. yeh, i don't reckon i would put an entire new engine in it but i would put things in it to make it more powerful, i will mod it but there isn't too much that u can mod, the graphics are already good but i would get new ones, i mean the grips and **** i can replace but otherwise, mehh. but i still hav 2 save up, by the time i hav saved up i will probably change mi mind agn, lol. nah im gonna stick with it, mso pro!! hey is any1 going 2 the crusty demons? i am going 2 the melbourne ones hopefully, mi birthday is the 1st of june, one of the dates so im gonna ask for tickets for a b'day prezzy.
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cass38a, do u hav the elite or pro mate?

I have the X7r, really happy with it but I would get a pro if I had my time again (I wished I got the pro before I even rode it). I cant recommend anything that is better value for the money and I love the tri swingarm.
ah yeh, im gonna get the pro just for the suspension, i mean $300 isn't too much for some fastaces, i know the rear shock only costs like $100 in it but i think the forks cost quite a bit of dough. how is the spspension anyway? trashthumpy says his is good, hav u had any probs with the mso and how long hav u had urs 4? is the x7r start in any gear, the pro is.