this is my old modified suction fed sandblaster, and the gravity fed coke bottle/coffee tin funnel that feeds it.
my compressor is just a cheapy 2.5hp, 110Lpm, and i use my Snap On Water Trap to stop any moisture from going down the air line.
without it, it used to spit and clog up now and then when doing bigger sand blasting jobs
i run it at full pressure when using sand, and a small nozzle on the blasting gun.
when using the Baking soda, i regulate the pressure down to about 80 psi, so it doesn't waste as much soda,
i should really use a mask too, it really dries out your nose and throat
fully covered arm etc is a must, as well as a hat/helmet and some decent google, especially when using sand.
it gets in every where too, behind and in your ears, hair in your pockets down your shirt etc etc
and this is a pic of an old ngk pit bike spark plug i cleaned up with the blaster and some baking soda this morning.