OK, I'll weigh into this discussion.
The best thing you can do is be civil. Telling anyone to **** off or goading them to call the cops isn't going to win you any friends. If the neighbour is elderly then they are probably scared of you. They get kids telling them to **** off (ever done that?), intimidating their fragility or just being plain obnoxious.
Now, if the neighbour constantly calls the cops they aren't going to be pissed with him (as claimed by someone in this thread),they are going to be pissed at you. The police will hound YOU, if you're not home, they'll quiz your parents, they'll knock on YOUR door at 3am to question you, they'll call your phone at all hours, you might get an invite to the station to answer some questions, you'll get pulled into a station for questioning over "incidents" in the area....and so on. All 100% legal and standard operating procedure. Get the idea?
Police aren't all bastards, they are doing a job like anyone else except people want to shoot them. If your house was being ransacked, wouldn't you like them there quick to catch the theiving pricks? Well guess what, if you are known to them as being a little **** your priority on their response goes way down the list.
Now how do I recommend you handle the situation?
- Approach the neighbour and apologise for getting off-side to start with. Saying sorry is free and will win you brownie points.
- Explain to them that you need to run the bike in your yard because there is no local venue (if there is, the WTF are you riding at home for?) and agree to time curfiews (1/2 hour sessions seem fair).
- Whack a silencer on you pipe. you're not going for world records so being quiet won't kill you.
- Contact your local police and get 100% clarity on what legal rights you have, they are there to help too. Council's generally offer little or no help on matters like this.
DON'T run the bike at full tilt next to their windows or act like a prick to them. Call them what you want behind their back.
Your neighbours can be the best security, particularly the elderly. They are home most of the day and see most of what goes on in the area.
my 2c worth.. flame on