yeah your right craig thanks for that, what would I do with out you haha.
Got the book in front of me now, it takes the same as the 200 you posted.
Will hit the shop at lonsdale then and get that done.
Can't remember who I got the plastics from off the top of my head but don't think it was DC, It was an aussie mob. This set doesn't have any holes in it yet so its up to me to get it right.
Also put oil in the forks aswell as they were low on oil, I found the old oil to be a bit soft/thin so I used 20w instead of 10w and it feels much better now.
Progress is speeding up now, most things are painted with just minor things to go. It will all start going together in the next couple of days and start looking like a bike again.
The only thing which will set me back is making a bracket fro the speedo. Might have to go to my neighbours and use his plasma cuter. Also the wiring is a bit of a worry, nothing was hooked up when I got it so not even sure if all the wires still work or not. This I will just have to find out the hard way I guess